Local communist government decided to shut down public transport for the next 10 months "for repairs"...

Local communist government decided to shut down public transport for the next 10 months "for repairs". Up to this point nobody tried murdering them yet. Anyway, I will walk to my job from now on, on my feet. What would it take to convince you to choose the healthy option instead of the car?

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I ride a motorbike.

I work a bullshit job that can be done from home 5 days a week. I haven't seen the inside of an office for three years.

I ride a motorbike.

I use a bike to get to work but tbf it's only a few miles and there's no chance a nigger will steal it.

Yeah I'm not walking 45 minutes to work, that would be retarded.

>Up to this point nobody tried murdering them yet
So there's still hope?

You make your own choices wagie, walk to work if you want.

>Local communist government decided to shut down public transport
good, maybe you'll loose weight you fat fuck

When your neighborhood is on the darker side walking is the least healthy hobby you can have.

>government closes a rail rain for maintenance
Wasn't Poland ACTUALLY communist for like 50 years?
I'd expect this level of retardation from an American, not a European

what happened to your scooter?

>What would it take to convince you to choose the healthy option instead of the car?
Glow harder

If you don't own a vehicle what is the gas can for?

Stealing water?

Polish subhumans don't deserve modern transport. It's like transporting donkeys on a Japanese bullet train, just unseemly. Buy a horse.

Does it not come out of the tap for a fraction of a cent/liter there?
And a gas can is the easily most expensive container by volume.
Can you not be seen transporting water?
I'm so confused.
Wtf Poland.

It doesn't leak. I collect free water at work and then use it on the go and at home. Free water.

I can only imagine the shocked expressions of onlookers as you drink from a gas can or pour some on yourself during a hot day.
You've inspired me user.

You move it into other containers once you come back.

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top kek polish chef

I think I need to visit Poland some day I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.

At this point riding my private car is the most healthy option OP, public transportation only brings covid and monkeypox

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You have AIDS or something? It's just a flu and you get paid vacations.

zero Flu in my car plus i can go to the woods

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Zero flu everywhere. It's fucking Summer.