Is Any Forums smarter than Yale economists?

Is Any Forums smarter than Yale economists?

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Why should Russia care about GDP? They aren't neoliberals.

Is GDP a meme measurement in your Finnish-educated mind?

Why would an Orc care about some meme numbers, while he still can eat the buckwheat.

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the usa nuked people in the pacific without warning

that's what I know, usa is garbage, wasn't even first in space. only pain and suffering and slavery from usa. you should sell tents in usa nowadays, boom, instant millionaire overnight

yale are usa and retarded

can you please go out on the streets and protest against NSO? otherwise we are enemies :S
and you know^^ yeah

Economics is a meme 'science'

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Meanwhile among NATO sisters...

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Not my problem.

Got bigger problems rn, eh? Tent leaky again?

Yes you can read a book

GDP reflects directly on quality of life for the populace, it definitely matters especially in the long term.

The execution of this war by Putin was nothing short of embarrassing, he alienated his entire country and at the same time is getting his shit pushed in by Ukrainians anyway. SAD!

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GDP was invented by Russian economist.
The problem is that all GDP stats are currently pozzed, that's the neoliberalism, not the GDP by itself.

GDP : gross domestic product
it is a measurement in US dollars (as a worth, you can conver that to gold for your schizophrenic brain) of how much product a country makes
it measures things such as food machinery oil you name it, as long as it's a product it is measured in GDP
GDP is what a country produces, the world is not fake
trump lost, russia sucks and vaccines work

Two more weeks.

what the fuck is pozzed and how does one "pozz" gdp

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Not going to read it.
You want economic aid? You want to borrow money? I want to see your GDP.

>Entire Western economies are hitting the wall hard because of their own sanctions
>Have to exaggerate how much the other side is suffering in order to justify your own retardation
Propaganda. It's like Western media saying that China will collapse "any day now" for twenty years.

>no date

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>there is a book someone wrote therefore what i say is correct

But Russians on Any Forums told me everything was fine? No supply shortages? No inflation of goods?

In fact, they told me they don't even need China, and they can be 100% self sufficient.

this is funny because america almost always wins the most medals in the olympics

>sanctions don't affect russia at all which is why putin threatened everyone who sanctions them about consequences
>the countries that produce 90% of everything russians use not selling to them anymore is totally not causing shortages
kys already

My ideal plan during the last chimpout was to rent CBPB sheeting out for local stores. Then quickly collect it and build a home from them and sell it as the monument to community withstanding the chimpout.

Then put the earned money into production of plastic pipes attachable to pepper spray cans. That you can then stick on the front of the car or car windows to disperse la creaturas with milky, spicy and icy blasts.

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I remember the self-sufficient posts. Funny how a nation that exports 85%+ of its natural gas to Europe (at a higher price than it can elsewhere) thinks it can be self-sufficient.
Cut your gas flow to Europe, Russia. How much do you think China is going to pay? Try to construct new pipelines elsewhere while your economy collapses.

It’s little use arguing with retards bro

It's over. I've put too much pepper on my buckwheat.

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So that's why Any Forums went to shit

Why wouldn't you at least give a link to the article? It rather comprehensive

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Also that fbi secret thing. Plus the troll farms from every place on earth.
The paper.

What do you have against buckwheat?

I hope the us soldier fucking your wife reads this bro

One way to pozz it is ESG.

Another way it the bailout.

Another was shown in Blackrock vs. Gamestop confrontation, where they violated all and any laws and even basic ideas of the stock market and clearly demonstrated the fact that the latinoamerican government and big invest funds are inseparable, and that the casino always wins.

Still their credibility rating is somehow AAA.

I like it.

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mad thing is russia could easily be a first world country on par with australia or canada, but they literally just choose to be a poor depressed land of suffering

they've got some of the highest quality mathematical and science institutions on earth, were producing fuck loads of codemonkeys for the US in the 2000s, have endless land and resources, are right next door to the markets of Europe and the growing opportunities of east asia. Yet more of their economic potential is seen in Italian yacht harbours or london football teams rather than the mud roads or dilapidated commie blocs.

the fact that russia is poorer per person, than iran, chile, romania, maldives and costa rica is fucking joke really.
imagine fucking up your country this much lol,


>these economists read some books therefore they are correct

man go back to your GME subreddit this is too fucking cringe to read

Hey russians guys
I fel realy bad how man y hateful messagese you get.
I like eyou my friends.

economists go to uni for years studying so many fucking books and being taught using modern academic standards to undertstand economics

Today will seem like heaven compared to what is coming for them. It's very sad.

the one thing about russians is that they are used to living in complete shit and they're comfortable in doing so

famines? concentration camps? death and destruction in war?
these are all nothing to a person who sees no inherent value in their life and no ability to fight against fate.

are they not taking into account the expansion of Russian business due to there being more market share up for grabs. Or the prospect of firms from places not sanctioning Russia moving in and taking their place. It does not seem like it and I don't hear any Russians here bitching about quality of life. beyond a bunch of rebranded products their lives are more or less the same. same commie block and same cat posting. the normal stuff.

>I like it.
A fucking rock in my buckwheat.

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Why don't even need Russian gas, why are we getting fucked over by this?

oh, not, I've been called cringe, after providing many widely known instances of wectern economy being pozzed to the core, what do I do now?

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>It does not seem like it and I don't hear any Russians here bitching about quality of life.
You're on Any Forums.
Of course you don't.

your reddit spacing and you bringing up GME shit is cringe

I hear Americans on here complain all the time.
I do it a lot.

what fucking money you dumbshit
with what resources are they going to rebuild lost business

I don't care what you do.
Clearly our quality of life isn't as shit as theirs.

it's over. ruble turned into rubble

I suppose the price goes up as countries that used to buy russian scramble to get it from the same sources as you.

> you can't make your post readable

> you also post things that the people from bad subreddit know, therefore you are bad

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>it even posts reddit screencaps

We* I clearly haven't woken up. It might be that the North Sea doesn't produce enough to compensate, we should be selling gas to the Germans with a huge markup desu.

> that face when you're only whinning

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>modern academic standards
Please define this term

The inflation is visible, roughly 10-15% price hike. 20% in some stuff in smaller cities.
The sanctions fairy tale is uuuuuh... Lmao. I still see more variety of crisps, chocolate bars and snacks (like Twix with salted caramel or Lays with salmon or 3 more kinds of Oreos and chocopies)
Some branded clothes are closed however. You can't buy Zara in some stores etc. Not that analogues aren't there, but you can cry you have to order Gucci from Italy direct
Banan is still present. Costs 50-70RUB for Kg in European part and 100+ in Siberia. No shortage of banan.

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you don't think they have assets they can leverage and hard cash.
it's as simple as a retail lease.
Or taking over a franchise operation with new management.
If your taking retail.

Other things do take longer like manufacturing. I think China and to a lesser extent India will gets first dibs on that, and supply what was lost. Most of the crap is made there anyways. The western world is just the middleman.

their hard cash is stuck in european banks, their assets are all fucked
furthermore if they could they would've done that when they were the USSR, which they didn't because russians are retarded and lack any of the modern production tech the west has

well no shit sherlock.
But we still find time to complain about something.

You probably are selling that gas, but that markup hits you too. The uk also imports a significant amount, though far less than most of europe.

Brexit means brexit

It’s pretty pathetic that they could’ve been a real force in the world but threw it away and went along with whatever their mafia lord of a president does. Lots of shills on this board will repeat the “le two more weeks” meme but its gonna be a very slow decline into oblivion.

It’s clear that the West will not allow Russia to take Ukraine. It will continue to supply weapons and training to the Ukrainians, and eventually they’ll just purchase all their oil and gas from Ukraine instead (they found a fuckload of it in Ukraine recently). Russia only has oil and gas and will be forced to sell it to China instead at a huge discount. They’ll end up humiliated in Ukraine. Despite ruining their country for generations, Putin will be worshipped as a diety anyway.

He ruined Ukraine and Russia. Too much death, too much destruction.

>sanctions don't affect russia at all
I have never said this, read the post again.

ill add to this that the world is moving away from oil and gas, and russia acting like dicks about it just accelerated that

>amerishart university famous for being jewish and enslaved to the pentagon's party line
>russia is going to collapse!
Cope. As long as russians keep selling gas to europoors (and they will) they can subsist.

sell gas how when the trade deal was cut, you think europeans will come back after they pulled that you retard?

economics is a meme. everyone who's studied it knows it's just memes

worst subject, nothing in it is grounded in reality.

god bless your retardation

What else are lazy euroPEONs going to do?

I agree they can subsist, but what existence is that?
The gas is rapidly going away too, europe will be completely independent of Russia by 2024 and Russia cannot hope to reroute their exports in that short time, and never without western expertise.

I doubt ukranians are nazi enough to invade another country, let alone russia.
Were you really that scared of them Asimov?

they have banks in Russia you know. I don't know what the rules are for the money of private Russian individuals in foreign banks. I don't see why you would freeze some random person's account. There not the government. That would seem a little unfair. And real estate in Russia seems to be worth what it was before more or less. But my familiarity with the Russian market isn't as good as I would like it to be. And any Russian bank will lend you money against assets in Russia itself no problem.

Based retard

Because we import gas from other countries, which is becoming more expensive due to the lack of Russian gas.

>what kind of existence is that
The average russian is completely used to barely subsistence level poverty.
>The gas is rapidly going away too, europe will be completely independent of Russia by 2024
This is complete cope. Europoors are too lazy/cheap to get independent from russoid gas.

all banks private or not go through the central bank
the assets are frozen as a result just like everything else
>they have banks in russia
yeah which have some money, but not only can they not use that money because of sanctions to buy anything because the west is not selling but it's not enough to replace western business

based. fuck econoshits

It's not the current generations that Ruskies should be afraid of.

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The goal is to make sure Russia doesn’t take Ukraine, and then buy their oil and gas from Ukraine instead because they have a fuckton of untapped resources

you know it's true.
economists are absolute retards who can't do math

>europeans are the most productive people on earth per capita

We'll be buying from America, gas in Ukraine won't be available for a long time.

that's either Chineseians or Americans

the average economist is admittedly much worse at math than the average comp scientist or physicist however the ones who make up retarded theories are pretty competent at math. it hardly helps them THOUGH

They where smart enough to declare that 2 millions of people have no human rights and put it into a law.

Azovstal was producing dirty bombs and attempting to produce a nuclear dirty bomb.

Remember they pushed a meme about Russian Federation soldiers dying to radiation in Chernobyl because they dug trenches there? Now it's all swept under the rug, because that's not how 30-year old isotopes work. That's how dirty bomb works.

Those people are acting on "poland is jesus of europe" and "poland is the center of europe" premises tier retarded. On top of having culture of peasants, who never've seen a city and see any urban environments as hell on earth.

And that's not even military propaganda yet.

I ain't clicking that shit nigga. I don't need a buzzfeed article to know facts.


you think producing a nuclear bomb is easy?

> we have output-based wages here
now I truly see your economic capabilities

>all banks private
I'm not taking about banks.
I'm talking about Russian nationals with money in banks overseas. Like if segay fageov has an account in his name at city bank. Does his money get seized just for being a Russian national?

>pushed a meme about Russian Federation soldiers dying to radiation in Chernobyl because they dug trenches there
your retards did dig trenches in the most contaminated zone, tho

russians are dumb slaves

Donbass is the second largest industrial center of Europe after Rotterdam and Azovstal is one of it's core enterprises.

Canada also provided generals with biological weapon expertise and oorkaine provided viral labs to gather local Russian DNA. USA also tried to collect Russian DNA in Russian Federation but was banned from doing it officially.


They would and they did already everything what's physically possible.
Those retards started WW1 despite all the warnings from Nicolas II, ending continental Europe's world leadership forever.

>Azovstal is one of it's core enterprises.

>Does his money get seized just for being a Russian national?
It should. And then deport the dog back to his shithole.

Oh, sure, now it's the most contaminated zone.

>reddit spacing
you need to go back

Is. They declared that they would demolish it, but really they would just dig out what azog has built there and then put it back to work.

don't underestimate the russian fantasy

> orkainer continues to flail it's knowledges of economy and reddit

>Canada also provided generals with biological weapon expertise and oorkaine provided viral labs to gather local Russian DNA. USA also tried to collect Russian DNA in Russian Federation but was banned from doing it officially.

Now that's some Qanon level of schizoposting. Canada of all places with biolab weapons, lmao

> muh generations
omae wa mou creatura deiru

the source is krokodil?

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yeah, also russians have no radiation detectors in military
t. polish-orkainer fantasy and great literature

dude that will take years.

> muh qanon
What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?

If it's coming from you, it's probably conspiracy theory Russdog.

>radiation detectors in military
>working radiation detectors
>in retarded private's hands
>in the most corrupted army

>What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?
The absolute state of Russian mind.

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Source of what? It's all verifiable. Look up the first junta's law. It was called something like "law about occupied territories".

Also we're still taking about you being retarded and you with your 2 proxy psyop glownigger friends aren't trying to shift the goalpost and gaslight me?

Imagine banning language that more than 90% of the state speaks in favour of non-language that less than 10% of people speaks and that constantly changing, because it's incomplete and non fit even for household conversations.

Is true that GDP can be manipulated by the government if it is highly corrupt but GDP per capita is what ultimately matters, and russia already has an awful gdp per capita

Meds, now

Biolabs and nukes made in the steelwork factory?
Do I have to inject the Krokodil to verify that?

>you with your 2 proxy psyop glownigger friends

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The coverup might take long, chopping down machines and putting them in scrap metal pile would take like a couple of months tops.

Trust me, I've seen many times how it happens in the 90's with soviet factories and 00's&10's with wectern-machinery equipped factories, that went bankrupt.

But you can't really put dirty bomb machinery in a scrap pile. So they would have to immediately put it all in the oven. Then clean territory from residual isotopes. That will sure take years.

this is what schweinehunderd psyop division actually believes

Top ESL gaslight.
Soviet biolabs where taken over by pfizer.

That's textbook psyop brigade work.
3 people simulating discussion, that looks to outside viewers as a circlejerk, but they check the mark on the bill for the boomer manager and get their mivna soup for the day.

You got us. You cannot hide from us.

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And current pause in their shitposts is because they've been found out and they ask their supervisor what to do next.
Reinforce their gaslight ranks, or whatever.

The problem is that they're weak literaturewise. They can't make up anything coherent, and their goal is to oppose the facts.

So their only way is to bleat about shizos and conspiracies, while also bleating about cryptomoskals meddling with bidet and ransoming wect with it's self-imposed sanctions.

Back to the topic: orkainers are that retarded. And you found each-other. Congrats.

Two more weeks!

>oppose the facts.
What facts? All you were posting were theories.

How come my Ukraine and Russia threads get deleted but this gets to stay?

You are too low shitposting rank, Fren.

>why haven't sanctions hurt russia yet???
because russians are used to suffering, sanctions make no difference

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>heh, you make the economy for them 90% worse, but yours become 10% worse??? EPIC FAIL!!

you write so fucking weird. are you using google translate or something?