Almost 25 living with parents in rural Ireland because I can't find a place to rent

Almost 25 living with parents in rural Ireland because I can't find a place to rent.

How did it get this bad?
And let's say I do find a place they will charge me 50% of my salary or more on rent for some shithole.

Attached: 1492464873219.png (273x302, 106.55K)

30 year old in the same situation as you. The horror of living in a house market bubble that is going to pop. Then it will be cheap as fuck.


I like work.
Hate taxes. I feel like Im getting scammed.

what is this westerners obsession with moving out? I'm inheriting my family's house along with other property being a NEET while y'all go being wagecucks for the benefit of others.

Attached: 1605133974762.gif (400x400, 23.82K)

2022 in Western Nations
>Housing prices inflated
>Female expectations inflated
>Divorce rate inflated
>Suicide rate inflated
>Ignorance inflated
>Consumerism inflated
>Pornography inflated
>homosexuality inflated
>Societal fears inflated
>Waste levels inflated
>Environmental destruction inflated
>Isolation inflated
>Inflation inflated

Attached: dharma-wheel-vector.jpg (1000x997, 158.51K)


Mate I'm 34 and have 3 kids and I still live with my parents.

Same situation OP. My parents want me to live with them though. I help out with money and help around the house. I’m schizo so I could probably get a shitty flat and pay for it with my bennies. It just seems pointless and depressing. I love my family too much.


Since when is being a loser based?

Since society stacked the deck against us. Only a fool plays a rigged game.

31yo virgin here reee

Fuck off boomer

>go work for rabbi Shekelstein LOSER
>be a rentcuck for Schmuli Goldberg LOSER

based&multigeneration familiy pilled
Are you italian BTW?

No I'm a bong. My kids live with my ex but I see them fairly regularly.

Move somewhere that has no taxes? Emirates? Some Caribbean island?

Not everyone who has an actual earned income is a boomer. Seethe you useless losers

I would rather pay taxes in Europe than live on a nigger Island or in sandnigger desert filled with pajeets desu.


Do you know where you are? Winners don’t post here you larping faggot.