Teach them to read you fucking racists

Teach them to read you fucking racists.

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What's the Equatorial Guinea IQ again?

>named nigger
>shaped like chicken

The nigger species has an average IQ of 67. It destroys everything that it comes into contact with. Making the nigger species go extinct is genuine environmentalism.

Notice how the further they are from the nearest white person the less literate they are.

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Chad bros...

Good thing we killed that dictator Gaddafi though

no way in hell is south africa 95% literate

I doubt 94% of South Africans can read

58 or something

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Most of those South Africans who can read are white

Where is Poland?

SA is like 10% white

they’re so illiterate that their country is even misspelled.

Madagascar is our rightful clay (look it up), so 65%

This has to be made up. No way 32% of Somalias population, is able to read.

>Nigger tier
Memes write themself


Niger can't read?

Can read what? Hebrew?

>South Africa

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