ITT post your highest level conspiracy theories. Whoever is called schizo or told to take their meds the most wins

ITT post your highest level conspiracy theories. Whoever is called schizo or told to take their meds the most wins.

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Jews sunk the Titanic.

messing with sasquatch advertisements are real and humans are injured in the making

James Mason Was Right About Everything.

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We are living inside a dream. We are tulpas.

niggers are tonguing my anus on a daily basis

Tip of the iceberg tier

Bait tier

Ideal parasite host tier

Ever wondered what happened to sun observatories user

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What's that supposed to be, please I would like to know more.

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a nigger tonguing the sun's anus

Parasites are the cause of every problem and we should work to identify every type in every form and create advanced AI specifically to protect ourselves from parasites.

if i were a billionaire i would dress up like an old timey naturalist a la teddy roosevelt in his hunting garb. i would go innawoods with a team of committed experts and all the tech money could buy, to catch bigfoot. alive. i would have its latin name dedicated to me, and my name would go down in the history books as the guy who finally proved the existence of the sasquatch, and caught one alive, unlike all those other nameless shadow-lurking richfags nobody remembers.

Also, my cat was unwell. I fed him raw meat and he's getting better. I wonder what would happen if we ate it...

What if that was just one their first genetic experiments...

It's a streamer of plasma shaped by the sun's magnetic field into an arc that spans from the foreground out to the visible edge, then back to the surface of the sun. It looks black because everything there is very hot and bright, so the exposure of the camera is set to show the range of brightness that's available. The dark part of the streamer is cool enough (and therefore glowing dimly enough) to look dark in front of the hotter and brighter background features. As the magnetic field shifts around, it releases the plasma streamer from the surface, which is then repelled from the surface and shot into space like two magnets with their poles towards each other (similar effect, different mechanism).

This entire world is a lush farm. The entities that be feed on our grief and sorrow, that's why we're in such a sorry state.

There are people who are "awake" who are still deep asleep
>Deny chemtrails they see sprayed above them
>Covid jabs are bad but other jabs must be fine
>Witnesses the GameStop fiasco, doesn't realize the entire market is fake and gay
>Govt money is fake, so the answer is Bitcoin/Crypto!

These nu-redpilled are being groomed for something.
Possibly they want to get enough people to rise up and take the karma for crashing the system rather than doing it themselves due to the massive harm in breaking the system.

Sure you got it user. Here you go. The thing is….we dont know what the fuck that is.

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>LSD, Psilocybin mushrooms, Cannabis is illegal because it deprograms people

>Fast food is legal to keep you keep and slow and destroy your body for fake calories

>High speed rails don't exist because cars are important

>War is a distraction to keep people sedated

test your theory then

No you.

important as in... terraforming?

Q is real. The plan is being carried out. Pic related.

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jews faked sinking the titanic for insurance money fraud.

I asked the AI.

"Q: Why does it look there is a giant space jellyfish sucking the sun?
A: It looks like there is a giant space jellyfish sucking the sun because of a phenomenon called a solar prominence.

Q: What is that?
A: A solar prominence is a large, bright feature extending outward from the Sun's surface.

Q: But the jellyfish is black.
A: The jellyfish is black because it is a coronal hole.

Q: Why?
A: A coronal hole is an area where the Sun's corona is darker, cooler, and has lower-density plasma than average because there is lower energy and gas levels.

Q: But why does it look exactly like a sucking jellyfish stealing the suns energy?
A: It looks exactly like a sucking jellyfish stealing the suns energy because of a phenomenon called pareidolia.

Q: What?
A: Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant."

This is a conspiracy thread not a bait thread.