So my Mom has Nigger Fatigue

Niggers literally give Fatigue through exposure. I'm witnessing people who never had a dog in the fight (or at least thought they didn't) now bitching about Niggers and it's fucking hilarious. My mum just started bitching about her kiked tv programing is being Nigged the fuck out. This is definitely forcing White Consciousness on people. I have seen so many people lately openly turning and openly shitting on shit skins in public and no amount of BBC allure will prevent it. The kikes are literally Setting Niggers up for extinction through reverse Psycology Psy-Ops. All my fag friends who listened to rap are now even saying Nigger again like in middle school and listening to rock or country again. This is fucking hilarious. Did niggers really think Kikes would prefer them over white people.

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The global nigger fatigue level is at maximum last time I checked the index

nigger fatigue is a perfect term

it's literally all so tiresome and unoriginal, EVERYTHING has to be niggerfied, they way you speak the way you walk the way you do everything

I'd say we're at least in orange or above. The kikes gave the niggers all the rope to hang themselves with. Pretty soon not a single person on earth will like niggers due to fatigue and that includes Niggers themselves

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use a DJI Agras drone that carries bricks and rocks and use the drone to drop concrete bricks and giant rocks on electric power grids and apartment buildings near ghetto low income areas and hoods.

Every time you see a youtube ad with black people in it, its actually an ad for youtube premium. They know exactly what they're doing.

drop off and deliver boxes and coolers filled with jack daniels whiskey and ice and put them on street intersections and neighborhoods in ghetto low income areas. they like free stuff

there should be white nationalist book clubs and kkk study halls and libraries where people can read and debate about turner diaries and dylan roofs writings similar to how jews read and debate the torah and talmud in their yeshivas and synagogues

I started making fun of girls I know for acting/sounding black. I tell them why not be yourselves, who are you trying to impress acting in such a way? It's very lame and yes it's tiresome to explain to them that their attempts to fit in don't really get them anywhere with either side.

society is nowhere close to maximum user, although i certainly am

Lmao I shun and make fun of all the wiggers I come into contact with at party's or out wherever... a lot have been shamed into acting normal again. I'm curious how those girls reacted

They are feral animals. When white men freed them, they granted a certain amount of dignity to the plight of the black man. That dignity has all but been stripped to the bone through surveillance.

I think what I have witnessed from whites is this adopted strategy of British people towards the Vikings where you let them push too far so far that everyone in your tribe joins in on the fight and they have pushed so far and given every chance through hospitality that even the most kind hearted of your tribe will not fray as they kill the last surrendering enemy
It is a really good strategy for genocide and I think only the British thinking people are capable of this

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Jews are inherently their worst enemies. Look at the story of the golem
>Jewish wizard is tired of everyone attacking Jews all the time "for no reason"
>Builds a giant monster man outta clay
>You will defend the tribe of all threats
>Jews immediately start jewing like metzizah b'peh openly or whatever the sick shit they did in Weimar Germany
>Goyim sick of these open displays of evil
>Golem realizes Jewish nature is the biggest threat to Jews
>Golem attacks the wizard and all the foreskin eating rabbis and other Jews doing bad shit(most of them)
>Golem genocides a ton of Jews to save Israel(weird self fulfilling prophetic metaphor for the Holocaust)

is it the Negro's fault or the Jews?

in the early 2010s i was just explaining to my parents about the future of media and those things. anyone slightly off the beaten path saw it pretty clear by about 2012-2013.

they would be like
>what are you racist? it's not even that noticeable

then about a year ago i asked them if they wondered why white people aren't on TV anymore and they were pretty fucking aware of how much shit has changed and said i was a tad early on the trend.

but they're old and useless so not much they can do about it. just got tricked.

qrd on this tldr?

bill gates has been breeding them better than cockroaches. it will be impossible to stamp them out.

probably some weird god complex where these psychotic industrialists believe that they perpetuated some level of enduring humanity and a semblance of society, that had been ignored in the past, so it's basically like creating a new "being" to endure the future. it's like they promoted a species for their own idea of humanity.

some serious SciFi i'm-destroying-society-to-perpetuate-society shit cornball tropes.

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>I'm curious how those girls reacted
They just sort of accept that they're white now and they calm down quite a bit. I've also noticed when you re-introduce them to the fact that they're white they go back and forth between their normal tone of voice and their hood accents. I assume it's an insecurity of theirs, but you can easily tell any white girl who sounds black is faking it unless they're actually retarded.

That's fucking hilarious I've noticed similar shit when I shame shun and berate wiggers around me... Now start playing Some Good rock and roll around them like Molly Hatchet and watch them start tapping their foot... soon they'll drop the nigger shit and start acting and dressing like it's 1998 again or even early 2000s.... I've noticed exposure to the past is enough to snap any wigger out of it... play some maroon 5 for those hoes and watch them melt for a white guy again


white women are the true golem of jews. blacks are the bludgeon.