This is China's best military opportunity in decades

There are thousands of Chinese "volunteers" signing to join the Russian forces as expeditionary volunteers.

A lot are going to die, but a lot of them will survive and go back to China with real world experience fighting NATO equipped and trained troops and will help train the Chinese troops and develop better doctrines.

And also after the war ends you can be 100% they're going to hire thousands of Russian veteran to also help train their troops.

This war has been a blessing for China. This is the real world experience they required.

Attached: t.png (903x1107, 1.26M)

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck is smo?

>train the Chinese troops and develop better doctrines

their officers are selected based on their willingness to murder innocent civilians

fortunately, their rifles are basically upgraded Dollar General cap guns.

“Special military operation”, or the notwar

funny thing is most of the chinks who joined lied so they can leave for russia

Chinese Syrian mercenary meme
Pretend you are going to Syria as a mercenary.
Says he is a virgin and has never fucked a woman.
Trick women in internet chat to get their pussy pics.
This is the main purpose of this meme.

Bullshit, also the new Chinese rifles are great.

Underrated post. I've been waiting for china to start sending soldiers to ukraine. Mostly for them to get exposure to real war, train them for combat experience. And bonus points for nato getting involved and china to test new weapons.

>This is the real world experience they required.
Seeing the shit-tier war Putin is running, they'll get an experience as cannon fodder.

Imagine being so assblasted about China that you have to use a VPN.

blah blah
ching chong
bing bong

again you can lie on those easily people who sign up are mostly people who couldnt make to college

The one doing the analysis is a US veteran. Stop being so butthurt.


I don't think Chinks can read Russian anyway.

chinas new aircraft carrier isnt able to sail because it takes up too much gasoline which is funny and their economy is crumbling

Yeah, I can use google translate as well. Now post a time stamped photo of your fridge's item, an electrical plug or just your window's view.

The best opportunity to expose the embarrassing frailty of the paper tiger is far from a "blessing for China".

Imagine believing this.

They keyhole at 30 yards. Kek

Attached: 1658998148344374.jpg (500x500, 48.05K)

Their new aircraft carrier got a oil-fueled engine with non-functioning catapults.

At least he's pretty.

noooooooo how I'm going to depopulate khazaria

Attached: d5c.jpg (297x365, 36.34K)

do you think anyone cares

i am not kidding about it not sailing its just sitting in port doing nothing while chinese soldiers will defect if they dont get internet or smart phone access

Oh yeah, Ukrainians have Chinks too.

Attached: Chinese Foreign Legion.jpg (605x771, 61.91K)

Lel is that the rifle that keyholes at 20 feet?


Yeah everyone wants to fight for putin except white russians. What does that tell you?

Meanwhile the Fujian is doing sea trials in the Yellow Sea. But, keep believing whatever makes you happy.


>the saviors of the white race
jesus, the memes make themselves
only a matter of time before ziggers say "dey gettin combaat XP n shieet"

Attached: 1647738492642.gif (640x360, 172.67K)

damn and i am in space fucking aliens and your mother

So the Chinese got theee aircraft carrirs:
>A old Soviet hull that was once a casino and turned back into an aircraft carrier.
>A complet copy of the above
>A barge without catapults moving around the Chinese coast.
That's ... nice.


Attached: 1658979476889073m.jpg (1024x773, 144.34K)

just read the full post fucking kek

Attached: 1651785029377.jpg (1024x1024, 43.91K)