They killed him, they killed the spreadsheet user

It has been more than a month and the spreadsheet user is nowhere to be found
this user was meticulously recording each individual atttack on the food supply in preparation for the incoming food crisis/riots
he is dead
they killed him

Attached: UPDATED GRAPH JUNE 8TH.png (1989x1174, 107.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah i was in that thread. it was absolutely mind blowing

>It has been more than a month and the spreadsheet user is nowhere to be found
>this user was meticulously recording each individual atttack on the food supply in preparation for the incoming food crisis/riots
>he is dead
>they killed him
link? which was the thread?>yeah i was in that thread. it was absolutely mind blowing
same question user

When was his last post?

It’s like a few days work max collecting all those articles.

Never caught his later stuff but I remember his initial research was pretty eye opening.

Attached: 1655878467304.jpg (2274x2659, 861.63K)

Last update was 6/16/22
the user made like 50 threads about it
there was even a general up for a while

Anyways her is the link to the latest version I have last updated on 6/16/22:

Thanks user

links please

R.I.P. user, you got the highest reward for journalistic integrity the cia can offer. A bullet.

bump. I miss that user. He contributed quality information rather than shitting up the board like most stains

Attached: 1642164928778.png (901x506, 742.39K)

>bump. I miss that user. He contributed quality information rather than shitting up the board like most stains
>R.I.P. user, you got the highest reward for journalistic integrity the cia can offer. A bullet.
¿ have anyone of you thought of paying him via wire or crypto coins?


That shit was boring and likely fake

First they came for Frank
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Frank
Then they came for white rabbit user
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a white rabbit user
Then they came for the Qanons
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Qanon
Then they came for the Food Supply Chain user
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Food Supply Chain user
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Attached: 1505953274163.jpg (720x678, 358.53K)


Kys - I won't press F for u

Checked for respect

>they killed him
call me schizo but i think that happens a lot here. i think wormpill user was taken out too. people were making a lot of threads and they were getting shut down hard. Its political too because of how gov controls the meds.

It was really weird how they came down hard on that. It was like we were totally wrong and being schizo about parasite medicine curing Covid, but we inadvertently were pushing a cure for faggotry instead, which would’ve destroyed globohomo.

I posted his work (in a reply) to the conspiracy sub on plebbit, but that was basically the first two dumps. There was a small team adding to list and updating that ran with it. I’ll throw the archive link again to Reddit and saidit to give this more eyes

I'm only learning about this user now, any more archive images/links?