Let’s go Bran-

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The president doesn't set gas prices, try again sweaty ;)


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i bet faggots will bump this twitter thread

>gas prices will only be way higher than they were before dr. dementia destroyed american fossil fuel production via unprecedented 50+ day 1 executive orders
lol die

Why would we give him credit when he allowed things to get this bad in the first place?

come up w a new thread to spam faggot
nobody cares about your snapchat news host’s tweets you nigger

Let's go Barackolf Hitama

Attached: !Barackolf Hitama.jpg (474x398, 23.52K)

you just bumped it lol

>Step 1: Tell the public you are going to get rid of oil
>Step 2: Bitch about people not being in the office and demand they start driving to the office again
>Step 3: Start a dispute with the 2nd largest producer of petroleum in the world, threatening supply
>Step 4: Begin sapping our Strategic Reserve, meant for national crises, conveniently with a phase-out just after election season
>Step 5: ???
>Step 6: Profit

>Dump all the oil in your strategic reserve (i.e. the shit you need if there’s a national emergency) onto the market.
>This brings down energy prices until the midterms
>But after the midterms you have to go onto the market and buy back all the oil you dumped earlier.

Gas prices will go ballistic at the end of the year.

Gas is still $3 higher than Trump.
And this new "lower" gas price is temporary, once the SPR runs out in a few months, gas is shooting up to $7 to $9 a gallon.

>No Lie
>All he does is lie
Why are they like this

>person sets house on fire
>that person is then able to put the fire out
>wow congratulations on putting the fire out, you're a hero

Putins price drop

Why would we give him credit? If an arsonist helps put out the fire he started, he's still a fucking arsonist.

Wait for the Jewropean Union sanctions to enter in force, sorry Brandon not even mail in voting will save you

It's obsurd seeing the most capitist people whine about the president having impacted prices. They make no sense, they are like a worm that goes straight to your spam folder, obviously having some involvement from russia and third world African countries.

I don't give people credit for fixing problems they, themselves, created. It's their obligation to correct it. You don't get a cookie for undoing your mistake.

draining reserves with war just a sun rise away is about the dumbest thing you could do to save folks a couples cents at the pump to win an election.

hope biden is made to realize the magnitude of his mistakes and to answer accordingly in this life and the next.

Any Forums will find a way to be mad Biden is doing his job and nailing it. How does it feel being against a president with real drive and a sense of rock and roll honesty? Pic very much related because it represents 80% of Any Forums right now

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Is biden even still alive?

Why should he get credit for lowering prices when he caused them to rise intentionally through killing domestic energy production. Literally fuck biden and the dnc.

>depletes strategic reserves
>gas goes down by 1 cent
>omg Biden is le based now?

>You don't get credit for putting out the fire you started.


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why should he get credit, it wasn't his fault right? we should be thanking putin. THIS IS PUTIN'S PRICE CUT

Give me credit before credit is due.

>causes problem
>Gets blamed for problem
>returns to preproblem state
>WhY wOnT aNyOnE tHaNk Me????

Gas prices are still double what they were when he took office. What exactly did he fix?

no, I didn't. and neither will this reply.

Thank you, Mr. Putin!

>biden and a cabal of blue state governors decide to lower gas taxes in states with highest gas taxes
>look guys gas is cheaper!!! we just removed our kike tax!
>gas is still more expensive than its ever been
it's all so tiresome

Nope, I'll give Trump credit for the gas cuts just to piss off retards. I don't even like Trump.

First he has to get gas prices back to where they were before just to be even.

They think/know that most goyim are stupid enough to believe it.