Pibbles Webm Thread

Post Em

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INB4 this thread is filled with various racist and transphobic images veiled as "humor." I want to extend a warning to any susceptible young viewers who haven't fallen down the alt-right pipeline yet.

Please leave this website they are trying to radicalize you be pretending their hatred is just silly memes and jokes.

But this hated has real life effects on vulnerable communities (i.e. BIPOC and LGBTQ2A+ folx), so please seek help to deradicalize and learn to stop the hate.

Together we can prevent another Buffalo

Aggression aside, they are ugly fucking dogs

this is not the pasta we ordered leaf

Why are you so full of hate you can't laugh?
Why do you hate people for the way they were born?


how do you fuck up SO BAD that three of your five dogs maul a person to death? worst pet owner of the year award

Urban Euths

Serves that bitch right for marching with niggers back in the day

Attached: ThePitbullAdventure.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

>pibbletard wears a cap indoors

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Post the real pasta, leaf.

Attached: 1453283143762.webm (720x480, 2.72M)

Bot spam

You will never be a real leaf, you nonsense.

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they never hurt a fly before i just don't understand


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>degenerate slav breeding shitbulls
Thankfully Albertans have guns. If this happened out east those dogs would be at the child eating buffet 24/7.

that's apu not pepe

Is this the new pasta?

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I was just at a friend's house.
They have a baby and recently got a pit puppy. The puppy has gotten quite a bit bigger and prob 5 or 6 months.
Saw me from it's cage and was acting very hostile. Not just barking at a stranger but like, attack hostile.

I fear for the baby.

That'll be me in a few months if I can't quit my fedex delivery job and get something better. You wouldn't believe how many fucking retards let their pitbulls roam free on in their yard.

covertly poison the dog and save that babies life

>when the door dash pasta is delivered to the wrong address

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it's so funny, all of pol thinks this fucking nigger dog is the epitome of battle. Ibcsnt wait for my hunting dog to put one of this abominations to sleep.

Attached: farbe-dunkelschimmel.jpg (200x145, 5.98K)

nobody thinks this
we think it is the epitome of canine niggardry