Join the great Aryan awakening

Join the great Aryan awakening.

The pic is a symbol of our race and movement.

Here is more info.

Newest english translation of the oera linda book

Audio reading

Three videos dealing with a introduction to the Aryan Scriptures

Here is a link dealing with our origin and evidence

And a prayer for all Aryans

Wear the symbol proudly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not gonna wear whatever mutts wear

You're not white

Stop being a homosexual.

Every moral code has a foundation in which morals are inferred from. Some morals today are based on empathy for chosen groups. The problem with this kind of morals is the foundation. There is two types of morals, objective and subjective. Objective morals are inferred from facts or observable truths in objective reality. Subjective morals are inferred from ideals alone or beliefs that aren’t observed in objective reality. The popular morals of today fall under the category of subjective morality. The reason why, is because the axioms of these moral codes are not observable to exist in objective reality. They are chosen as axioms, not by facts, but by emotional distress and a misplace empathy. Which leads to greater oppression over all and allows evil people to get away with acts of cruelty and violence. Empathy is important to motivate people to correct injustices and wrongs done. Empathy without a factual foundation is enslaving people to do harm to themselves and others while being ignorant of it. This is why Aryan morality is censored from being taught in ethics or schools across the nations. We have gone so long in society with a subjective moral code that just discussing Aryan morality openly, will cause many the worst type of cognitive dissonance, sending them into a spiral of guilt and regret; triggered by their ignorant minds being illuminated.

The foundation of Aryan morality isn’t a visceral reaction to injustice, but is based on the natural order. This natural order is the predisposition to pass on our genes and ensure they flourish. We infer morals for society not for individuals.

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The last man on earth has no morals. There is no one he could morally do wrong too. Morality based on the individual is a subjective belief. Our society is an Aryan one. So Aryan morality is based on what is best for passing on our genes and ensuring they flourish. Another word for this is love for our families and people.

Why pass on our genes as a group instead of a family? It is only in the genepool your genes survives. If you mate outside your genepool you are not passing on the genes that make you, you. By mating outside your genepool your children will only half your genes, give or take. They won’t think like you, act like you, or look like you. To keep your genes alive you need people of your race to exist. It is only by mating in your race, your children will be able to receive the other half of your genes. This means they will have your mannerisms, think like you, act like you, and look like you. We build an Aryan society to adhere to the natural order. The axiom of passing our genes as a group is the foundation of Aryan morality.

Why passing on our genes isn’t enough, but we must make sure they flourish? We live in an environment that can be hostile to our existence. By building a loving and caring Aryan society we will ensure our descendants will want to continue to follow the natural order. Society based on the needs of our collective survival is one in which the sacred flame of our people will never be extinguish. A society based on profits is one that will gladly sacrifice our people.

The Aryan Scriptures has a moral code giving to us by our first ancestor, Freya. It embodies the Natural Order. Based on what is best for passing on our gene’s and having them flourish.

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Looks like a butt hole

Freya’s Tex

Prosperity awaits the free. At last they shall see me again. Through Him only can I recognize as free who is neither a slave to another nor to himself. This is my counsel:—

When in dire distress, and when mental and physical energy avail nothing, then have recourse to the spirit of Wr-alda; but do not appeal to Him before you have tried all other means, for I tell you beforehand, and time will prove its truth, that those who give way to discouragement sink under their burdens.
To Wr-alda’s Spirit only shall you bend the knee in gratitude—threefold—for what you have received, for what you do receive, and for the hope of aid in time of need.
You have seen how speedily I have come to your assistance. Do likewise to your neighbor, but wait not for his entreaties. The suffering would curse you, my maidens would erase your name from the book, and I would regard you as a stranger.
Let not your neighbor express his thanks to you on bended knee, which is only due to Wr-alda’s Spirit. Envy would assail you, Wisdom would ridicule you, and my maidens would accuse you of irreverence.
Four things are given for your enjoyment—air, water, land, and fire—but Wr-alda is the sole possessor of them. Therefore my counsel to you is, choose upright men-who will fairly divide the labor and the fruits, so that no man shall be exempt from work or from the duty of defense.
If ever it should happen that one of your people should sell his freedom, he is not of you, he is a bastard. I counsel you to expel him and his mother from the land. Repeat this to your children morning, noon, and night, till they think of it in their dreams.

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Is this another 'we wuz?'

>the "history" includes a syncretic religious creation myth involving the Hindu gods Shiva and Kali

Oh here we go.

If any man shall deprive another, even his debtor, of his freedom, let him be to you as a vile slave; and I advise you to burn his body and that of his mother in an open place, and bury them fifty feet below the ground, so that no grass shall grow upon them. It would poison your cattle.
Meddle not with the people of Lyda, nor of Finda, because Wr-alda would help them, and any injury that you inflicted on them would recoil upon your own heads.
If it should happen that they come to you for advice or assistance, then it behooves you to help them; but if they should rob you, then fall upon them with fire and sword.
If any of them should seek a daughter of yours to wife, and she is willing, explain to her her folly; but if she will follow her lover, let her go in peace.
If your son wishes for a daughter of theirs, do the same as to your daughter; but let not either one or the other ever return among you, for they would introduce foreign morals and customs, and if these were accepted by you, I could no longer watch over you.
Upon my servant Fasta I have placed all my hopes. Therefore you must choose her for Eeremoeder. Follow my advice, then she will hereafter remain my servant as well as all the sacred maidens who succeed her. Then shall the lamp which I have lighted for you never be extinguished. Its brightness shall always illuminate your intellect, and you shall always remain as free from foreign domination as your fresh river-water is distinct from the salt sea.

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No, it doesn't. Any connection to shiva is when a group of Aryans went to india. The magis of india adopted some of the teaching and tied it to their own gods.


Nassim Haramein-Crossing the Event Horizon
Nassim Haramein-Black Whole

There is no great aryan awakening... Or any other great awakening. I don't know if you've noticed but we are completely fucked. 80+% of us just took experimental drugs for a virus that doesn't even exist and these same cattle are about to line up for monkeypox vaccines.

Get your own shit in order because we're all on our own.

>Paying for a pdf
Very subtle advertising for this book, nice try OP, howw much are you being paid to promote it?
seems to be legit northern german folk lore

You just read the free old english translation. The pdf is the new english translation.

Great share brother

great share

i think that's a monkey pox on your chocolate starfish. You should see the dr about it.

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Over 100 million Whites in the usa are not vaccinated. 99% of White children not vaccinated. The Aryan Awakening is here.

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