Masculinity Gift Thread

Have seen a growing number of advertisements and "influencers" targeting men who want to be more masculine.

This includes self eating raw meat, sunning your balls, LARPing as a warrior/barbarian, and other self improvement nonsense.

Although some of this is helpful it doesn't address the masculinity problem. What does Any Forums consider to be masculine? Is it possible to exhibit masculine traits in a system which rewards feminine behaviors (compliance) and practically makes being masculine illegal?

For me it's courage, tactical long term planning, honor, nobility, focus on excellence over compassion, and independence from vice/influence.

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I think a sunburn on your balls would be terrible.
These digits are more interesting than your thread.

Is there even a modern day equivalent of the chivalric code left anywhere? I'm not referring to simps like white knights.

they're afraid of appearing weak for even a second, and because they've been laughed at and emasculated for their inferior genetics, i.e lack of chin, they try their best to appear "alpha", sometimes to near insanity

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>pink crocs
masculinity is dead

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Crocs are comfy as fuck.

they look like shit but they are pretty nice if you're boating or swimming

>What does Any Forums consider to be masculine?
clean shave your face every single fucking day or you are automatically disqualified. if you want to behave like an animal go paint yourself black and do a one way trip to africa.

everything else just dont be a faggot like the kid who wears pink crocs

those two kids are more masculine than that manlet

Masculinity is being a provider and not a bitch, simp, or nigger. Simple as.

t. nobeard pussy

I think the problem with a lot of redpillers and male self help gurus in general is that they propose individual solutions to systemic problems. One of my favorite arguments to use against them is to ask them if their father or grandfather had to be ripped, a millionaire, and have excellent game to get with their female ancestors? The answer is usually no, which I then follow up with "why?".

The answer is that there have been systemic changes throughout the course of the last 100 years that have set the bar much higher for men, and much lower for women in industrialized nations. This is because women have used feminism (organized female-centric political action) to leverage institutions and cultural belief systems to work in their favor. The argument that PUA/self improvement redpillers make is to effectively try to counter this massive societal cultural and economic shift on your own. Why is it impossible to for men to implement a male version of feminism instead, where male needs are prioritized over female needs? Why is this considered "weak"? Do we call men who follow sharia islam and similar ideologies weak as well? It clearly works for them. Why are men the ones who need to self improve, but women don't or are actively discouraged from doing so?

Its clear that in the past, men needed to meet a bare minimum standard, but they didn't need to be "Adonis" to pull average women. Indeed, the entire idea of casual sex would probably get them shunned or even killed in more masculine dominated past. Otherwise, most of us wouldn't be here. There needs to be a political and economic movement by males to counter the movement by females. The blackpill is refreshing in this sense, since it actually attempts to tell men to stop focusing on self improvement so much and instead focus on the broader causes of the predicament many men are in today.

Isn't that the guy wimho had fake abs implanted for like 10k a pop.

try again. we no longer have wars that thin out the population of young men by 10-20%. women have more options and you end up dying with your dick in your hands.

>we no longer have wars that thin out the population of young men by 10-20%.
Not yet. The wars we have will be internal, south american style civil wars and cartel violence. You already see the seeds of it with gang culture and cartels infiltrating the US.
>women have more options and you end up dying with your dick in your hands.
The choice is either that or join a criminal gang and rape. Which one do you think the average man will choose?

my gang name is bill cosby

It's mainly the direct result of the breakup of families. If your dad stuck around and had a blue collar job you have zero desire for this.

Ironically enough, the ones with the most to try to prove to others just how masculine they are, they're exactly the kind of people you want to avoid. Simply because they're fakes that are overcompensating and will only fill your head with crap.

You want to get a taste for what it's like to be a man and talk to men, work a job that is physically demanding, a labourer is a good start since it's unskilled. Work there for at least a few months. There are also some hobbies that haven't been infiltrated that have older men, one is model trains. It's very important for younger men to talk to older men. The kind of old guy you want to talk to is the kind that isn't just some office boomer. You find a man that served his country or worked with his hands a lot, those are the best.

Anyway, make sure you never repeat the same mistake, that you stick around for your children and be a dad. It really is awesome and anyone that flees of that obligation isn't a man.

One of the better arguments I've seen on Any Forums however you're mistaken about men historically being able to get women more easily.

From what I've read some men would impregnate a large percentage of women. What women are doing now by only going for top 15% of men is a way of returning to unrestrained nature.

Monogamy brought on some level of society stability and civility as now you can build individual units and there were less cause for men to compete amongst eachother in violent or oppressive ways. Obviously there was still violence and oppression, but much of this was done by weaponizing self sufficient family units.

The truth is it doesn't matter what masculinity is or what it represents or whatever, masculinity, whatever the fuck that is, has NO VALUE in our SOCIETY

Pretty good take. I am also sure that old mediterrĂ¡nean men are much more "masculine" than the boomers in the US.

>however you're mistaken about men historically being able to get women more easily.
I'm not mistaken. It was easier 150 years ago to get women. What you are referring to is back prior to civilization. Wars were fought to equalize access to women. Its the whole reason advanced civilizations came into being.
>Monogamy brought on some level of society stability and civility as now you can build individual units and there were less cause for men to compete amongst eachother in violent or oppressive ways. Obviously there was still violence and oppression, but much of this was done by weaponizing self sufficient family units.
Monogamy is what makes civilization possible.

good post, the blackpill is inevitable

I think it's more of a state of mind
T. 31yo incel

you forgot the most important virtue of all and what distinguishes men from animals other than intelligence: willpower (which women have none)

Most masculine traits cannot be manifested as they either make you the enemy or make you a harvestable resource, or both. Keyword: Most. The one you can and should consistently manifest is sovereignty. Pic related.
Doing so makes you the enemy of all roasties, s o y boys, kikes, and anyone else dependent on this unnatural take on the natural world.

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Fyi women prefer men to be more feminine now.

Alot of manchildren dont want to hear this but gun larping is a major part of this. Guns are funko pops for right wingers.

>discuss honor

this, society should be ruled by high T chads and their high IQ autist sidekicks