Homeowners Association

Can somebody explain why these organizations are even a thing and what justifies the amount of power and money they get?

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They keep out the undesirables without you having to do it yourselves and be called racist for it.

So why are there still nigs and spics everywhere then?

(((Corporations))) bought those neighborhoods and to keep the price up let middle aged and old hags play pol pot. Keeps the white gentiles in check and keeps blacks and browns out thus keeping prices high. It's actually amazing how quickly sanpakus will show force on those they despise while neglecting the rules themselves

It's called buying a gaggle of Karens a free house, who, at their whim, return the favor by allowing you to live in it.

Only white neighborhoods and high income areas have hoa

Like your local school board, can be a good thing but everyone has a civic duty to attend meetings and keep an eye on what's going on or the faggots will sneak in and start doing horrible things. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. You get happy and lazy, say "I'll let others take care of me", then you get what you deserve.

Some people can't mind their own business, which led to the idea of creating pseudo-goverenments that levy their own pseudo-tax on you and use the threats of fines and foreclosure as their own miniature neighborhood judicial system.
Just make sure if you're buying a house that your realtor knows you will under no circumstances agree to buy a house that's in an HOA neighborhood. It's that easy. If you sign up with one it's your own fault for being retarded.

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Condos have HOAs too, and last I checked, tend to be less expensive than a single family home that is bigger than a box but minus an HOA

So pay 300 dollars on Month to have a Karen send an email telling people to cut their grass ?

They were founded as a way to ensure everyone's homes will remain presentable and therefore hold their value, instead of losing value to due a neighbor turning their yard into a go kart track, and to get karens to stop bitching for 5 fucking minutes.

The obvious solution is to look at a house as a home, not an investment, and to not marry those stupid cunts.

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Neat but what if i dont pay and tell them to fuck off?

They put a lien on your house.

1.) they are completely voluntary
2.) Cities realized that suburbs are actually terrible tax sinks so won't allow new construction without a HOA that agrees to cover certain upkeep and repair
3.) They are for middle class people who want to live near other middle class people and want their neighbors to be upstanding people who understand that one shit head can lower everyone's property value

>Lower property value means lower property tax
>This is a bad thing.

Pick one and only one.

If you invest 320,000 in a build in 2005 and in 2022, market price and taxable values exceeds, 800.000, you want the trend to continue. If people around you are free to paint their houses red, park commercial vehicles and rv's in their drive, keep a bouncy house full time in the front yard, nail a tree-house on the roof, raise hogs and sheep, maintain a collection of port-a-potties, let the yard grow all summer without cutting, stuff like that affects the value of the others houses. HOA's in upscale developments protect the investment. They are unnecessary in places where you might live.

>Can somebody explain why these organizations are even a thing and what justifies the amount of power and money they get?

They're for people on a power trip, I live in a HOA neighborhood and nobody is allowed to park their boats or RV's there, super gay.

>If you invest 320,000 in a build in 2005 and in 2022, market price and taxable values exceeds, 800.000, you want the trend to continue. If people around you are free to paint their houses red, park commercial vehicles and rv's in their drive, keep a bouncy house full time in the front yard, nail a tree-house on the roof, raise hogs and sheep, maintain a collection of port-a-potties, let the yard grow all summer without cutting, stuff like that affects the value of the others houses. HOA's in upscale developments protect the investment. They are unnecessary in places where you might live.

Lies, there are plenty of all white neighborhoods where everyone keeps their property looking nice and there's no HOA.

They literally have the legal right to foreclose on you and take your house.
Part of why you have to be extremely stupid to ever agree to buy an HOA neoghborhood house.

karen moves into suburb
karen wants to boss people around
karen founds HOA with her other karen friends and forces everyone into it

Don't buy a home in a development that is protected by an HOA. It's that simple. Move somewhere else. Something tells me that you don;t need to worry about any HOA unless you are renting a basement room from your parents.

They are unnecessary if you don't view a home in dollars and cents, but as your personal, private sanctuary. Don't like what other people do? Put up a privacy fence.

Until then, you can choke on my clover lawn.

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I'm also required to have a tree in the front as well. I do wonder if the money goes into the upkeep of the manmade lake and whatnot then I would be happy in paying the fee.

What do you mean "Lies"? I lived it and now the place I own is protected. You cannot guarantee that some piece of white trash will not move in and kill your ability to sell your house because of their behavior.. A HOA is insurance.

why not just live in the house instead of selling it?

HOAs were founded as a way to ban niggers from living in white neighborhoods in states that didn't have segregation.

They should have been abolished when the Supreme Court outlawed racial deed covenants.

Not if you live in my development. We don;t allow stockade fences. Only black 4-board horse farm fences. Yes... my development looks nice and it has since the beginning about 18 years ago. Brick houses with no less than 2200 sq foot, 1-acre lots, 61 homes cut into a Kentucky horse farm. You better bet we keep people like you in check. We would put enough liens on your house that it would make your head spin. Safe bet that you are a renter. You'll keep fine where you are.

What the HOA considers an undesirable and what you consider an undesirable are not the same thing though.

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>What do you mean "Lies"? I lived it and now the place I own is protected. You cannot guarantee that some piece of white trash will not move in and kill your ability to sell your house because of their behavior.. A HOA is insurance.

Okay, jew.

>Only black 4-board horse farm fences.
>Yes... my development looks nice
Only one of these can be true, because those fences look like shit.

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I don't have bats where I live. :(

Way to put yourself as a no-hoa poorfag

So you're the guy that wants to keep crap scattered across his yard. RV parked on the other side of your driveway so you don't have to go around it daily.
You'll clean it up nice when you want to sell, but until then, who cares the ne ghbors take a big hit on their home value because the buyer would have to be ok moving next to Sanford & Son.

a communist org

lowering property value means it's easier to get a house and taxes are cheaper, the only people who benefit from higher value are boomers that want to sell their 3rd house

I do live in it. And it's very nice but I may decide downsize in the future to a place in the USVI and I want to maximize the selling price. Think about the future because it comes quick. But for now, I'll live just fine where I am now but without riff-raff creating eyesores that I have to look at everyday. The 250 annual dues pay for upkeep of the guard shack area, landscaping and mowing of greenspaces. The board does not get paid.

My neighbors mentioned to us that they’re converting their garage to be rented out in our rich neighborhood.
That is completely against HOA rules. We’re going to let them spend 60k to put plumbing and a kitchen in the garage and then once they have renters coming we will report it and ruin their plan. No shitskins or single moms are moving in our neighborhood

Pol is so boomer ridden now that HOAs are considered based kek.

It's combination of Talmudic influences including "sorry Goyim this old contract you didn't sign is ironclad" and "sorry Goyim democracy has spoken"
HOA's are obviously asinine and go against the definition of what it means to own property, it's Talmudic reality inversion

>Can somebody explain why these organizations are even a thing and what justifies the amount of power and money they get?
Schools do not teach about HOA's and the military does not teach how to destroy HOA's.

>and taxes are cheaper
You want your house to have as little value as possible while you are living in it and you want the price to be high only when it is time to sell.

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I'm not going to step outside and show you what my housing development is adjacent to but this give a good idea.

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And many more neighborhoods that have been ruined after just one nigger family moved in. HOAs protect against this. Niggers inevitably break the rules and get kicked out. The only people who are against HOAs are niggers and degenerate niggerlovers

>So you're the guy that wants to keep crap scattered across his yard. RV parked on the other side of your driveway so you don't have to go around it daily.

Nobody does that in white neighborhoods but nice try Shlomo.

Home owner? More like homo nerd.

Can someone explain this to me in terms of property tax, if you have no intention to sell and actually live there, won't a high standards and value incur an increase in taxes till everyone gets btfo?
How do you offset this?

When they first start, go to the city or county zoning board. They will get a cease and desist order. And it will be enforced.

I live in an upper middle class neighborhood in NJ, the third wealthiest state in the US. I’m no poorfag.

Looks nice

just another layer of control executed by boomer middleman / landlords to eliminate competition or to secure local monopolies (ie requiring arborist license (that they have) to trim shrubs on your own property)

house next door to us burned down a few months ago, sorta wish there was some kind of regulation now because it'll inevitably get demolished and replaced with eighteen three story units for the "most vulnerable peepo" aka shitbag crime nest

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>And many more neighborhoods that have been ruined after just one nigger family moved in.

Think again there are two nigger families in my neighborhood and the HOA does nothing preventing one of them from walking their dog on other people's property.

As someone who lived in a place just like that, it must really suck. The sheer amount of flies are insane. We'd put out those bottle traps, and every other day, they'd be completely filled.

As someone who lived in HOA's as he was growing up, I can safely say: "fuck them." And that fence looks like absolute shit, but there's no accounting for taste. You pay your premium to keep taxes high, and I'll keep to my own house, where taxes are low and I can do whatever I want with my property without having to ask my neighbors for permission.

wtf I thought Australians were white?

I own a home in a gated community in SWFL one of the highest net worth counties in the country, in an HOA gated community. To me, you’re a poorfag.

Realtor here.

I always ask my clients how they feel about HOAs and tell them the cost esp if it is high. I see from 30-$400 /month for normalish houses and condos can be 2k on the water.

My neighborhood has not HOA I love it. We all help each other. If someone is too old to keep up their trees and yard the younger lads like me help the hood look good.

Thank you. Never thought I'd be the type of guy who cares what his lawn looks like, but going clover did it for me.