Ivana Trump's grave at Trump golf course

Hahahaha holy shit what is wrong with Drumpf.

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Seek help. Obsessing like this is not healthy.

hahahaha woah wtf hy would he honor his ex wife at his favorite hang out place wtf woah hahah le ebbin updoot

Whats the problem?

Remember that Ivana died while Hunter Biden pics act2 surfaced.
There's a war between Dems and Reps

I have no idea who that is tbdesu.

>Must defend master
You Trump guys are so stupid, but ig libfags still whitewash everything Obama does too. You're both hopeless and preventing progress from being made.

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a ho in one

Apparently he can use it for tax cuts

Let's see your family's Graves for comparison

OP doesn't know his parents.

You gotta wait until the ground settles before putting a nice tombstone. That is just a fancy marker stone. Lot of people just have that because they were poor.

Wow why would you bury someone why not just leave her corpse outside in some woods, this is just more proof of Hitler

Shut the fuck up, retarded ass mutt.

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Also nice headstones can take months/years to make. these people are weird af

We're not billionaires lmao.

I don't have any. When I'm dead just throw me in the trash. A dead body's a dead body. Eat me, grind me up into a paste, whatever you're dead you're dead.

I want to be placed in a sarcophagus

This. So fucking tired of all the retards on our side. They hold us down just as much as anything else. Fucking sick of them.

it was the only way to secure it from faggot commies digging her up to skull fuck her corpse.

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There isn't even a quote under the tombstone?

Satanic Global Cabal and Christian Nationalists actually
we've already won by the way

He's a billionaire using his ex wife death as a tax break lmao

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Commies in New York already destroyed a bunch of historical graves so the safest place for a grave would be a golf course that actually has security cameras

>Thinks Trump isn't a centrist
Looooil hopeless. He literally promised $500 billion in free money for black people if he was reelected. You know how much he promised blue collar honkeys? $0000000 lmfao he couldn't wait to throw you guys under the bus and try to replace you with black voters. That's where he fucked up.

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Now he can keep swinging balls over her for years

Chad move.

hmmmmmmm what did she do?

the estate is always charged, that a fucking retard

That was realistically never going to happen.