Japanese TV program for kids

Did you notice anything?

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I always notice niggers. Even in pictures i never relax

Based on the colors, a Swede.

The Nigger is a clown

He has fucked all of them, including the guy.

all the women are ugly and there's a gorilla next to them?

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We wuz samurai n sheet

Those disgusting racists are throwing up the white power hand sign. I fucking HATE white supremacy! >:(

The racist hand signs, it's the racialist hand signs right?

All seeing eye. Flashing triple 6. 3 boys pretending to be girls. And much more.

>Did you notice anything?
I'm sorry Hiro San. The Jew conquers all media.

Which Blacked Jav is this.

it’s ok to be white?

Jap girls are cute? There's a nigger?

Spell it out for me user.

Any reasonable person should find this incredibly offensive.

How dare they all make those obvious white power hand symbols and then to make a POC do it too? Yikes!

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Show host is packing at least 2 inches. Good for him.

I see a Brit

They are all making the white supremacist sign!

When you see it you’ll shit bricks

Kikes started the same way in the united states. I'm 50 years the niggers will the action hero

Why is there a nigger?

nigger prime minister for japan!

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I notice that is over

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Yea, the one is purple has a suspiciously large nose.

Yea. Insectoids and niggers

Can you imagine BLACKED Jav edition with that level of editing. Holy shit I’ll be cumming for days

Who do you think he put that big 10 inch BBC into? I’m betting on the ones in the blue.

Monkeys belong in zoo.

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No he put that "bbc" in you.