It's Over: NYC Locking Up Sardines, Spam

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_fast

>due to inflation
lol no due to theft

Yeah we all know it's because of niggers

NYC is a cesspit. More news at 11.

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I guess letting crime run unopposed wasn't such a hot take hehe

Maybe we should care about famous historical and cultural centers somewhat.

Jew York was never a good cultural center. You want the city to go back to something that didn't exist.

just buy sugar dumbasses. it's the cheapest source of calories's_fast

It was good for like 20 years when police were allowed to bust nigger heads open, before we got the niggerlover mayor followed by the nigger mayor.
Jew York Shitty runs on a fucking algorithm where if you can keep the niggers frightened and exiled to their nigger zones it's an eden on earth but once the niggotry is allowed to overflow the city switches over into the nightmare, where beauty withers and all that is left are the zombies and rape apes.

New York has always been a shit hole

When you get hungry enough, you'll just knock out loss prevention and keep running.

Out run a burrrrrrrrt? Na nigga naw

imagine eating beach cliff let alone stealing them

No it’s due to niggers

>stealing sardines
Joggers don't even like fish, what the actual fuck?

Bro those Haitians steal Bacalao like mad


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Escape from New York….

King Oscar is where it's at. The little fishes have the most delicate taste in a sardine I have ever had.


I like Riga Gold too.

A sugar shortage would kill millions of gaymers

>Spam is on lockdown and I already ate through my supply that I bought when it was on sale (and never will be again)

>implying loss prevention isn’t allowed to take you down if you so much as touch them
This has nothing to do with hunger, if niggers and hobos got in trouble for not paying they’d pay, even niggers making six figures will steal because they can, hobos always can get food for free, they’d just rather be a public nuisance so they want to deprive normal people of being able to buy shit by stealing it all

Blacks aren't the only people who steal, especially not when the economy is in a recession

Never in a sauce, I find mustard or tomato sauce to be an abomination.
I never have tried them.

You wouldn't have gotten through any of that spiel. You'd be knocked out and they'd keep running.

I eat my deenz in olive oil with some raw white or red onion on a slice of toast, chased with an apple.

People are prepping

Meanwhile I've been shoplifting tuna cans non stop from 5 years and have an stock at home. Literally didn't buy a single can this entire year

been to NYC, never again, it's a garbage dump. It stinks and is the most filthy city I've ever seen.

Either they're stealing things to re-sell, or it's just a learned behaviour: