Antithesis of communism

The antithesis of communism is Calvinism

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Stop worshipping jews you retard.

The Antithesis of communism is above room temperature iq.
Communism doesn't scale.

practically all of europe is so cucked everything in lemming society is inherently and centrally jewish,
you can find solace in obscure circles and media but the reality will always bite in

communism worships jews

The first Christians lived as Communists in accordance with the teachings of Christ:

All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45 they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. ... Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. ... There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.[40]

—Acts 2:44–45, Acts 4:32–35

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Predestination is the antithesis of free will. Communism and Calvinism are enemies of free will, i.e. respect for the individual.

You’ve got it all wrong, pre destination is the opposite of communism and environmentalism (as in, the individual is simply molded by his environment and can be sculpted by the state)

>my fake and gay JEW CULT will fix all your problems, goyim!

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Wrong. It's Anarchism and you know it. Reject the Abrahamic faiths. They are a Cancer upon this Earth.

Death to those mammon worshiping heretics

The Scriptures say we have free will and they also say God knows all. We don't need retarded philosophical copes that muddy the waters just to try and make things understandable to our feeble minds. Jesus died for all, not just the elect.

Calvin was even dumber than Luther. Take the Aquinas pill

marriage is a picture of the New Testament and calvinism is a picture of the woman not having to say "i do" but if she does anything wrong it implies she was never married. you don't get to sneak into the vineyard and demand your penny. get hired first.

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Calvinism spread because John Calvin wrote literature that was very appealing to these upper class lords and nobles. While other Christian sects got a severe crackdown, Calvinism avoided the worst of it, and thus proliferated.

However, when Calvin himself rose to power in Geneva, he set up a brutal Christian regime that executed dissenters. People were executed or flogged for wearing revealing clothing, kissing in public, curling their hair, or any sort of public lewdness. There were roving bands of preachers combing the streets to make sure nobody stepped out of line. Hotels and other places where men and women would naturally get together got a severe crackdown.

In one case, a Spanish scholar ran to Geneva for safety, and got burned to death by Calvin's regime because he wrote works criticizing Calvin's writings.

The differences between Calvinism, Lutheranism, and other sects are extremely bizarre and autistic. Like whether communion is literally "eating the flesh of jesus" or not. Martin Luther supposedly had some visions from god about this topic.

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This isn’t a theological debate, but Calvinism’s determinism is diametrically opposed to communism and anarcho socialism. Ever wonder why former calvinist countries never had communist revolutions?

What about China?

Well Calvin rose to power in Swizerland. He had power over several swiss states. And because Swizerland is a multi-lingual country, he managed to get a branch in Germany, and a strong branch in France especially. I think eventually Calvinism took root up in the Netherlands area.

Basically Calvinism was a scholar who wrote books. The nobles and intellectuals of Europe love that shit, so it was like crack for them. They devoured his writings, especially because it gave them a feeling of precedence over the Emperor. So they used their upper-class influence to spare Calvinism from persecution, and help it proliferate where it could.

It's kind of similar to Marxism. Once again, Marx wrote literature. And these upper class types love that shit, it makes them feel smart. So they took to it like a fish to water, and began proliferating this message. That's why Marxism spread so much among this intellectual class in society.

The moral of the story is, if you want to get these upper class people on your team, you need to generate literature that supports your ideology. Even if it's boring, turgid crap like Marx's shit. They don't care, they just want to appear smart reading a thick book. It becomes their fashion sense, these people are incredibly fickle and status-signaly.

I'm not really sure about Calvinism preventing communism or whatever. I think that Communism spread mostly in the East of Europe, because that's where all the jews were. While Calvinism took root in French speaking areas, so it was mostly spreading through the French territory in the West of Europe.

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> it about dem thicc books nigga
why not
> but you, your a scientist/saint and need to rule for the benefit of others

These upper class types have their own little culture. You can appeal to them, but you need certain things.
-- literature
-- "high art"
-- something transgressive (they love that shit)
-- music/plays/theater shit
-- fashion

You can appeal to them, but you need these cultural elements. These are generated by craftsman with passion. The way to get people with this passion on your team, is by nurturing and cultivating them, especially through the universities. You can get some great artists, musicians, scholars....etc on your team. And that will help you win over these upper class nitwits. Then you can have some real power in society.

These people are immerse in a bubble world, a culture of their own. You need to get in there and fight that battle. Win them over. Thus you need to structure a message which can appeal to them. Something slightly transgressive, with some literature behind it. Some good arguments that bamboozle or convince.

Any Rand's writings were super effective at converting a huge cadre of people to free-market conservative ideas. Especially among the upper class. That one book created a whole legion, a whole movement around these ideas. Books have power

>The antithesis of communism is Calvinism
nope. pic very related

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Sure marxism and Calvinism both had intellectual roots, but communism is about rebelling against fate, conqeuring nature, etc While Calvinism is an acceptance and acknowledgement of pre determined destiny. It's no coincidence that Calvinism rose in areas with inequal family structures while communism rose in areas with equal inheritance/ communitarian family structures.
Todd does not think it is a coincidence that predestination, the fundamental inequality of souls, was most popular in stem family countries, that is, places which were accustomed to the idea of the fundamental inequality of brothers. He argues non-stem, individualist countries developed softened versions of Protestantism when they had the critical mass to do so (namely, Arminianism in England, Netherlands).

>communism only spread in East Europe because Jews
see Spain and Latin America.

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alisa rosenbaum says
>but you, your a scientist/saint and need to rule for the benefit of others
> and also its ok for you to commit adultery because you don't need to be constrained from achieving your potential by vows

i've never met a trustworthy calvinist

trust is the fundamental building-block of society

Maybe I should have said " Calvinism is the antithesis of Anarcho socialism" to be more specifc and accurate

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How many countries would even qualify as Calvinist?