Athlete Deaths Up 1700% Since Death-Shot Rollout

>An investigation of official statistics has found that the number of athletes who have died since the beginning of 2021 has risen exponentially compared to the yearly number of deaths of athletes officially recorded between 1966 and 2004.

>So much so that the monthly average number of deaths between January 2021 and April 2022 is 1,700% higher than the monthly average between 1966 and 2004, and the current trend for 2022 so far shows this could increase to 4,120% if the increased number of deaths continues, with the number of deaths in March 2022 alone 3 times higher than the previous annual average.

Tranny pharmaschills will tie themselves in pretzels to explain this away, and try and tell you it's normal.

Attached: Athlete Deaths Skyrocket.png (1411x1051, 18.8K)

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dont use my flag for your stupid schizo theories

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I'm sure this is credible, just like all the "dead pilots".

>stupid schizo theories
There's the tranny pharmaschill right there.

Would this be a bad time to organize a charitable run for monkeypox research?

>only 1,000 "athletes" died in 40 years
kek are you fucking retarded

>statistical fact
mama mia!

You're waiting for the BBC or CNN to run the story first before you can deem it "credible"

>1221 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 813 Dead, After COVID Injection


>Sudden cardiac death in athletes
Brush up on that reading comprehension idiot.
It was 1100 by the way.


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Take the jab, it's sudden and unexpected.

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Oh no, the establishment says it isn't so.

>but wait that site is pushing an agenda
while simultaneously ignoring the agenda pushed on goodsciencing.

Fact check this

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so before the vax, athletes were basically 99% immortal? only a few thousand of them died in 50 years? thats fucking amazing

Attached: AthletesStatistics.png (778x1197, 109.3K)

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>all deaths
>sudden cardiac death
Pick one dipshit

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