We need to rally behind Owen Benjamin in order to save the United States

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isn't he a flat earther?

Part of the selling point. If you believe we live on a spinning ball and we went to the moon because some NASA kikes tell you so then your politics don't really matter to begin with.


he is elbow brushing with kikes like Daivid Weiss (jew) Owens father is jew

false positive, like Zelensky (jew) comedian mind swindler

A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared.

Attached: ZelenskyComedian.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

I like him for many things
But flat earth and science talk make me cringe evertime and stop me from listening for weeks or months. Im on a break because there was a few episodes i coulnt take the cring of relative movement distances etc
>Satelites are fake because i dont have signal in the valley
>If i jump in a train or plane i dont get thrown back
Covid stuff is generally ok although he fell for the 2 weeks before mass dieoff at the beginning
For a 140iq that talked with MITfags he sure lacks at least basic understand of what he criticizes.
Wish him luck though, at least hes on a good path

I don't believe we went to the moon. That's my problem with flat earthers. A fake moon landing does not a flat earth prove. The earth was logically and rationally determined to be somewhat spherical long long before NASA came along. NASA fake stuff, yes, but again, does not prove a flat earth. It's a totally mental useless mindset to have - duh, moon landings fake, therefore earth is flat.

See also, the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamlin..

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how the fuck can normies be entertained by this shit. fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>flat earther?

to sell one spoon of lie you need barrel of truth to mask it.

kike is against Natural Order with suggestion to imagine that Order of Nature is created by God from a jew book. and then he preach from the jew book to justify usury.

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I think he is a smart guy
and he can be very funny
but I don't think he is trustworthy
also his fans are kind of like a cult
it is like a weird bear cult
I like some stuff
but I think he just says whatever he needs to
to keep control of his army of misfit bears
and so I can only go so far with him

I'm not in the mood to explain and provide flat earth evidence to you. The people on /x/ do a good job for it, and you can find a bunch of stuff on the archives. I'm agnostic to the shape of the earth. I believe the flat earth shit more than the nonsense you're taught in school. It makes more sense, and there is a lot more evidence beyond "listen to the experts."

based bear
just rally around the lifestyle, not the cult of personality. acquire land, acquire tradwife, homestead, make babies.
owen's a bit of a bootlicker for my taste but he clearly got a "talking to" after he threatened to kill Feds during his White Claw days.

Fuck off, Owen

For the United States, Owen Benjamin is the best candidate to either bring America back or truly accelerate by throwing this monkey wrench into the system. It is the path that makes the most sense.

I also think much of what we are taught in school is just plain wrong. The point of divergence is not the shape of the planet though, but how it came to be, how it has behaved over it's lifetime. Careful examination of all evidence with an open mind will lead one to seeing that the earth used to be about 50% smaller in mass and expanded over the duration of it's existence. We are taught the earth has had a fixed mass for all its existence in school, with a protocontinent, pangea, breaking up and bits floating around everywhere. This is not true. "pangea" was the entire planet, much smaller, with no oceans. This is the only truly logical avenue based on the evidence, not flat earth or fixed mass sphere or what not.

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The whole Admiral Byrd thing is enough for me to side with flat earth, not to mention everything else they provide. That being said, I don't treat it as a "searching for bigfoot" thing. But to make fun of flat earthers who are actually skeptical and practice real science is shameful.

>Pied Piper of Hamlin

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I'm making fun of how everything ends up becoming "flat earth proof" to them. They should be ashamed for proclaiming things to be fact that they have zero actual proof for. NASA is a bunch of fake bullshit, but they did not determine nor confirm the shape of the earth. They just make fake photos because they can't actually take good photos in space, but because of the fake moon landing photos, everyone thinks they can take flawless film photos in space - so they have to keep faking them to keep up the ruse.

Hi Owen. So what is up? didn't get mail with gibs? cheep advertise

'You will know the men by fruits of his labor' milking money from crowd by showing story of your life, created for milking money show.

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The best to say is that you don't know the shape of the earth. Going off of kike propaganda isn't evidence. They've been caught lying on so many occasions. None of that shit adds up. At least flat earthers are trying to find out for themselves which I respect.

No they are trying to figure things out for themselves, and if they are they are spectacularly bad at it, yet arrogant about what they believe at the same time. They are absolutely the worst. The somewhat spherical shape of the earth was determined long before Jews were in power. The Phoenicians and Carthaginians figured out the shape of the earth by sailing the oceans. They tried to keep the Greeks in the dark and keep them believing the earth was flat out of competitiveness, but eventually the Greeks figured it out too. The modern flat earther phenomenon is a mental illness brought about by people being unable to cope with how much of what they have been taught is actually bullshit. But not every single thing they have learned is bullshit. They have to be careful. Ever heard of the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" ? - this is exactly that, they are throwing out good knowledge because some of their knowledge is tainted.

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".