The Florida teacher shortage is so bad they’re literally letting anybody do it

No degree required. The only requirement is that you have been in the military or are married to someone that has been in the military. Florida is currently short 5,000 teachers due to factors like low pay and the recent passage of the Don’t Say Gay law, so they’re now turning to people with no experience teaching, who in many cases have never finished college to educate their students

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Well Any Forums? This is your chance. You wanted to redpill the masses and now at ling last you have an in.

>teachers union protects its cottage industry

why does this country hate non-veterans?

LMFAO 10/10, user. well done.

Ok class turn in your report of mein kampf, this is this week's book.

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That’s what I’m saying.

You should go back to plebbit, OP, where you got this screenshot

Additionally you could document and report liberal groomer employees.

Just end federally funded education. The people will sort it out.

You don't need a degree to teach most things. Over appreciated and overpaid.

unironically, stay at home military wives deciding to join the school teaching workforce would provide a better education than most unionized cunts with a degree

requiring a degree to do anything is the problem with this damn country.

If only teachers were actually allowed to teach real history and applicable knowledge instead of 12 years of garbage.

It's probably the same botnet that posts and promotes it both places

Public school teachers regurgitation of planned studying materials could be done by a pajeet. You don't need a degree to read off shit to kids and verify test answers. Teachers are over-paid Marxists. Atleast the veterans will teach children to die for zog is good.

Because they didnt fight for the greatest ally

how hard is teaching? all of the books come pre-made for each subject and then a teacher just randomly picks sections out of it because a quarter/trimester isn't enough time to cover the entire book.

there is more than enough content to just figure out what random shit you're going to learn about for like 70 days.

plus like half of that is just going to be holocaust shit so that fills a lot of your time.

why would you need a degree for that baby sitting job?

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I have a BA and was previously registered in Ohio

4 years of enlistment is at least 4 years of a program, i imagine. it's just a step below a normie college..

I never finished the Credential Program in CA. I tried to intern and do my TPAs at the same time and got burnt out.

why is everyone obsessed with "a program" do they want drones? if 4 years is all a person cares about why doesnt over four years work experience count for the same? do they just seethe that working class people have a bit more freedom because they dont care about jumping through these hoops?

Are you honestly implying that the current crop of public school teachers who are teaching anal sex to 10 year olds qualify as competent? I'd rather children learn about discipline and self reliance than be groomed for sexual purposes by you.

It's just extra slave training, like K-12 school.

0 seconds since reddit has last seethed about florida

Meanwhile in finland, teachers must have masters degrees

Florida did this in 2018 but thank you for letting me know. I'm going to sign up.

Do you believe college isn't some giant indoctrination chamber that has created an entire generation of mindless drones that just repeat the DNC party line? For christs sake the Democrats are currently and openly attempting to redefine words and the "educated" left go along with it because they aren't actually educated, they're brainwashed.

yeah it's compliance signalling. they will code things like "breaks in work history," etc to really just discriminate against someone who seems a little more free than they are. then they go home and look at their affirmative action diploma and say "i did the right thing there was something off about that guy, that's why i have the degree," proceeds to eat a boxed macaroni and cheese with hot dogs with a squirt of catsup

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The shortage has nothing to do with the groomers being weeded out, It’s the cost of living increasing while wages stagnate, its the Biden economy

I should teach in Florida. I know everything you need to know about Citrus growing which as you know is a very important profession in Florida.

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You don't have to do any of that to sub in Ohio, but the work is irregular and pay is garbage
Most subs here are pizza delivery guys at night

The Teacher's Union exists to protect and enrich a bunch of grossly over-educated cunts.
Meanwhile, throughout human history, people taught and passed on knowledge/skills without needing an overpriced piece of jew scrip that says you deserve a 6-figure salary.
Also most of what commie teachers are "teaching" to kids these days is how to have gay anal sex with niggers as part of the process of transitioning into being a real girl :^)

>Alright class for your first and only lesson, please open your books to chapter 15

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If I buy your stupid book will you stop spamming it on all the threads?

This is a good thing. A college degree isn't required until maybe some high school classes. Break the teacher unions. Watch how fast teachers complain about illegals and immigrants when anyone can teach.

"Listen here highspeed. I need you to stop being a shitbag and keep your hands for yourself before I write you a counseling statement. Hooah?"

This book is so badly edited I haven't been able to read it completely or even fully grasp what the guy was trying to say.

You are not wrong. The focus of preparing teachers should be in dealing with children and admin.

why do you need a degree to teach the times table or the periodic table?

So yes everything except for chapters 1 and 15 are just his schizo opinion writings. But Chapter 1 and 15 weren't written by him...

anybody who has graduated high school is fully qualified to teach children how to read, write, and do math

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I'm a vet and have a degree. Here's my opening classroom lecture:
>Hey, kids, today we will learn about "false-flag attacks". That's when one group or country attacks another but makes it look like someone else did it, so that the group or country that got attacked and the group or country that got framed for it will fight each other. Can you guess which group and country are absolute masters at false-flag attacks? Has anyone here heard of a group called the jews and a country called Israel? Let's review their history, shall we?
Do you think they'd approve my lesson plans?

Lol veterans can't go 10 feet without getting their dicks sucked in this country, what are you talking about?

You're both stupid and haven't read every chapter and read it carefully.

>know about Citrus growing
Teachers with actual real world experience in anything are vastly better at teaching.

South Park did it first

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Does it include special needs schooling? t. Autist.

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Anyone who calls it don't say gay law is a retard and opinion should immediately be disregarded. The anti groomer law is great and should be adopted nation wide. I'd rather a Vet teach then a nut job tranny.

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Thanks for the compliment Shlomo.
>Hey why is chapter 15 in the new version different than chapter 15 in the old version?
>Why does the new version feel a few pages lighter?

florida kids will be well versed in how to watch your friends be blown up to benefit jews and money