What causes depression, then?

What causes depression, then?

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>What causes depression, then?

Bad genetics.

Clownworld, jewworld, demonworld



>What causes depression, then?
literally just stop being depressed


The modern world.

Nigger Fatigue.

The antichrist. I hate him.

Listening to the mainstream media and using social media

Bad diet, no sunlight, no exercise, jews destroying society, etc.

Existential dread.

Depression is a natural reaction to what goes on in zoo.

>What causes depression, then?

The Jews will go crazy and kill you if you keep trying to push that narrative. You need to realize that only the Communists are waging war against unsuspecting civilians.

this I can only laugh at it so many times

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Post yfw you never fell for the SSRI Jew or the therapy Jew

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realizing life makes no sense
its just a sick game
everyone is a retarded npc
we re litteraly bio machines here to breed
we work to afford things because we want to have fun
all we think about is having fun and sex.
theres no deeper meaning, we re animals

A garbage diet on GMO and pesticide laden foods, with no high quality vegetable fiber. Nutrition aside, you need to eat vegetables in order to feed your friendly bacteria.
>who cares
They produce 95% of your SEROTONIN. Look it up, nigger. It's that simple. The food is poison, especially fast food.

>What causes depression, then?
Sin. They are depressed because they're hellbound. Moral people don't get depressed.


No such thing
Depression is just you being stuck in a shit situation and not doing anything about it to get yourself out

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It's no secret that depression and all of these other disorders have increased exponentially as technology has advanced the 24/7/365 news cycle.

Used to be just folks dealing with the midlife crisis and empty nest syndrome, now it's constant exposure to crisis and social media bullshit.

Don't worry though, there's a pill for that.

Decades of demoralization

neuronal inflammation and oxidative stress. anons should all get on NAC for the multitude of benefits it offers vs modern lifestyles

Christcuck family constantly trying to convert me with their Q tard larping flat earth BS
Meanwhile I just want the Earth to burn and to be left the fuck alone unless you got something interesting, fun, or useful, of which christcucks avoid like vampires avoid daylight
>tl:dr people make people depressed


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Depression didnt exist before the enlightenment era

>What causes depression, then?

>zoomer worshipped self help mutt
this isnt helping ur case


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shitty life circumstances

usually caused by

Sad stuff


Facts are facts dipshit
Doesn't matter what mouthpiece says them

Glyphosate inhibits the shikimate pathway in bacteria and plants. This mechanism produces precursors to serotonin. Who produces GMOs and glyphosate ? Bayer/Monsanto, Syngenta etc. The same companies that produce SSRIs. They keep you alive, dumb and sick to sell you a lifelong therapy (cure would not bring money).

>What causes depression
This fucking clown world.

maybe depression is natural state that forces you to do something. Problem being modern world enables you to do nothing.

faggot fatigue

Knowing that Hitler lost and there is no hope for someone such as him to rise again and finish what he started

came here to say this

>The Jews will go crazy and kill you if you keep trying to push that narrative.
Good. Let the games begin.

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*being expected to make a difference but having the inability to make a difference in the modern world

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A sane response to the modern world

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Being a little bitch

I’ve been sober for a year and I’m in a much better place mentally and physically. Give it a shot whenever you get tired of hating yourself brother

Probably. All the depressed people I know are obsessive media watchers, social or news. The issue is that they are unable to discern bullshit from truth because they look at it from a emotional perspective rather than really delving deep into a topic for the purpose of really informing themselves. So when you have the media constantly shouting gloom and doom every day combined with lower IQ people who think emotionally rather than intellectually(or instinctively), who believe themselves to be high information people while everyone else is blind, you get the depressed archetype who thinks humans are going to be extinct next week. Or that men are taking away their rights. Or that people who don't wear a mask are killing grandma, etc.

These people in the past didn't have that, so they concentrate on what was going on around them, because they could actually do something about it.


Depression is a mental state.
Caused by denial of reality that one refuses to accept.
> My son should have never died
> Why did my mom hit me all the time?
> Why does nobody love me?
> I should have had a good wife and children not this!
> I should have a big house
> My life should be this not that
It's often caused by life circumstances not matching stubborn expectations. And is often something the sufferer is unable to change on his or her own.
Thus a searing depression. A suffering, of being unable to change what SHOULD NOT BE.
A refusal to accept reality.

Theres been plenty of research since the 90s that shows no real efficacy of antidepressants versus placebo

Hey incels! Sorry to hear you have depression. Ya know there's an easy way out right? One 100% guaranteed way to cure your loneliness and existential sadness!

It's called killing yourself. And you'll be doing yourself, your family and society a favor. Try killing yourself TODAY!

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