He’s right

He’s right.

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this thread is even better than the last time you posted it 10 minutes ago

Do shills really?


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Data mining threads

No I just love animals and peace and quiet, I live around white people who are inconsiderate, not all of them, but it's not like white people are somehow always great to live around lol

I want to live on a farm

Now I REALLY want to live on a farm.

I want to get away from ALL people, thank you very much

Ok Caleb

Is he endorsing it or condemning it? Does it even matter anymore? Oy vey...

Why would anyone want to live near black people?

I want to send the niggers back to Africa

I live on a farm
>I did it bros

I do hate cityers and cityer-lovers.

He is. Thats why I live on a farm. Why are they so determined to live near white people anyway? I thought they hated us.

now I want to live on a farm too

Me too user. Only see feather Indians occasionally, the way America was meant to be

"I want to live next to a Walgreens."

Many things have racial double meanings these days. “I want cheap and reliable public transportation” is code for “I hate white people and want to diversify de facto white spaces”

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City slicker detected

Great, just so we’re clear. I want to get away from back people.

Fucking sad. He gonna kill them all the himself.

I want to live in a big city, with no black people.

suburbanites are the worst

Go back in time and be born a boomer.

Why are the Left so racist? So black people don't know how to farm? Black people don't spend time in the countryside? Black people don't like nature?

Remember when they accused the English countryside of not making themselves appealing to ethnic minorities? And here we have a "non racist" telling black people they're not welcome in the countryside.

very very lazy indeed archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/image/aWdlxYZxCtNQ_fpnG7eSlw/
herbs in all fields

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just like when BLM nigger used all the funds to buy a mansion in a nice white gated community right?

If whites are so bad to black people, why do you all have to live in my neighborhood and be my fucking neighbor? 50 Marshall plans not enough to make Africa ok?

Extremely low quality thread.
He's not right.
S&R all:
>he's right threads
>basic question threads

>I lived on a farm once. Now I'm a nomadic refugee.

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