I just tried to post this but it rejected my image file so I lost the whole post
I hate it when that happens

here I go again

people think that this is a deep fake video
look at his eyes
they look weird
no movement
the voice sounds odd
could be deep faked

so is Joe Biden dead?
are the White House just pretending he is still alive to keep control of everything?
did they use deep fake technology to make him give fake speeches?
how did he die?
was it autoerotic asphyxiation?
or monkey pox?
or a canoe accident?
was it all three?
did hunter stab him because he was high on crack?

share your death there's
we can make bets on things

and make Joe Biden dead with sunglasses like Weekend At Bernies memes

Attached: JB copy.jpg (1200x900, 211.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How can he be dead if he keeps catching COVID?

*death theories

I hope that oldfag dies

when was he last seen in public?

If he is not dead already, then he probably will be very soon

The bug eyed one is definitely altered /deep fake - try to not blink as long as he does.

When they wiped his butt

The first digital president.

he's not blinking, his voice is deeper, his shoulders are broader, his speech is coherent... THIS IS NOT BIDEN

it would be weird to do that in public... even for this administration

This is the kind of headline you see next to pictures of batboy in the grocery checkout.

But when retards like OP see them they go "wow it's so weird that kind of thing is happening now" instead of considering that their sources are suspect.

just the other day.

I don't know how deep fake works
can you just get a body double and then overdub the face and voice
then they could even do some deep fakes in public too
I'd only be convinced if he was out in public with other world leaders who could call it out for being fake
otherwise, I think he's fucking dead!

was it a big event with lots of people?
or a small contained space with few people
coz then I think he is dead and they are deep faking stuff to make it look like he is still alive

What video game is this from?

I think you are a fed
you know he is dead
and you are trying to keep the public from learning the truth
by calling open minded patriots like myself mean names
well go back to you monkeypox orgy glowie

it is an official White House video
the dude is fucking dead!

The animatronics are getting better, but there's still that uncanny valley.

Mr. Robo-POTUS blinked exactly TWO TIMES in almost 2 minutes of talking.Somebody oughtta call Tech Support

Who ever paid for this CGI needs to get a refund. Everyone can tell that face is a few % too small for his head. It makes his mouth movements elongated. Granted yeah you had to do faceswap, but do some physical work on it and not let the Ai do all the work. Voice is toooo slow also, when you slowed it down, you deepened it.

Almost 2 minutes of speaking and he only blinked twice!!! (2, two, dos) Only a robot could beat that. Wait… is he?!

if this is not fake
then maybe this is a robot
they built an android version of Joe Biden!!!

Attached: WB.jpg (1536x1536, 654.04K)

Attached: WB2.jpg (299x168, 9.96K)