"Jesus" was invented about 1000AD, not 30AD

Nothing Jewish existed prior to arrival of Romans. Jews occurred as a reaction to the new Roman concept of Rule of Law, to "game" that system as continues to this day. ALL current Govts are descended from Roman. Prior to Romans everyone was Canaanite, which was a real culture that left behind real pottery, statues of their gods, and recorded by other cultures. Nothing of what is today Jewish "religion" existed prior to about 400AD.

Also, nothing Christian exists prior to about 1000AD. Everything claimed is handful of dubious "stretched" artifacts. No evidence Romans crucified anyone, much less thousands along roads for miles when putting down slave revolts. All their is is one child's graffiti of a guy with horse's head on a stand and one Roman grave with a nail through one ankle bone. There are a few "fragments" claimed prior to 1000AD claimed to be New Testament but:
1)most haven't been Carbon-14 dated. OK, they have been dated but results have been kept secret, for obvious reasons. Its POSSIBLE later dating is caused by contamination. Parchment from 400AD gets cleaned or conditioned with tallow from 1500AD, etc.
2)Was the WRITING dated or was it put on old paper later?
3)Does in come from New Testament or is it parable/tale later post 1000AD to construct NT?

THEN, after 1000AD we get scads of clearly "Jesus on the Cross" paintings, statues, stained glass, etc and full New Testaments.

Since Jesus is mentioned more than Mohammad in Koran that means Islam didn't exist prior to 1000AD and archeology on that also checks out. Some Muslim buildings pre-date 1000AD but everything Islamic was "remodeled later" after 1000AD.

Note much of this is exact match to The Holocaust(tm). "Most documented" always ends up being created out of whole cloth much after the fact mostly by people who were never there, history books from history books circle jerk.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The internet was only invented like forty years ago, I don't see how Jesus Christ could bossibly have existed pefore then.

also, Buddha and/or Confucius also don't seem to exist until much much after they were supposedly famous, any ref to them is conspicuously missing from all the fairly complete records of Chinese govts.

Cross, especially as seen prior to 1000AD is one of the most common memes of The West from both Sumeria and Egypt.

Egyptian religion was considered superior by both Greeks and Romans, and Horus myth and Life cross would be a natural to be brought into N Europe with Romans.

I've found I can quickly determine if a painting of say Charlemagne was done during his lifetime (pre-1000AD) or after 1000AD from if there are any clearly Christian memes.


This is exactly WTF I'm talking about. Its a VERY general "No Trespassing, No Grave Robbing" message. Nothing about Jesus or even rabble rousers or anything.

And why would Romans be writing in Greek to protect the grave of a common criminal in MARBLE.

I'm thinking Jesus was started by an underground cabal of Jewish "tax farmers" and sold to European warlords, as the last vestiges of Roman Law and Order faded, as a way to insure that as a group the warlords would remain in power and form a sort of Mafia with The Church as a super-govt to resolve disputes and were wars would be stage managed. Naturally, the real enemy is anyone not going along with The Program.


Egyptian religion existed.

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What i wanna know is if Jesus comes in the clouds, how will the Christians know its really him?
So far none of them have given me a convincing answer and are leaving themselves open to being fucked in the ass and deceived by satan's tricks

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Honestly that thing just needs a shave.

picrel: see "Splice" starring Sarah Poley (also great in remake of "Dawn of the Dead".

12 guys around a table with a leader was common pagan Zodiac meme.

Only after 1000AD did the memes include Last Supper player hints. Prior to that they were all Zodiac character hints.

meanwhile, back in Mexico, without metal tools, beasts of burden, written language, sea going boats, etc....

clearly a well recorded religion/social structure and so many stone temple we are still finding them in jungles to this day with countless distinct religious artifacts.

then you gonna tell me that in post-ROMAN Europe no one did anything related to Jesus from 400AD to 1000AD?

AFAIK there is (besides supposed DSS) exactly zero "ktav ashurit" existing prior to about 400AD, maybe more like 600AD.

While (after a few years) Romans seemed to confirm existence of "Jews", their isn't anything that tags Jews to anything like current Jewish religion until few hundred years later.
AFAIK first (semi-)historical mention of Jews is a Romanized Jew denying other group's claims Jews murder other group's babies and drain their blood (which does check out LOL).

This Jew can be IMO considered the true originator of the Jewish "religion" and constructed false histories of which he remains sole source.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maccabean_Revolt#Original_histories
It ain't like the Seleucids of Egypt were fighting and winning wars and not recording it and nearby Rome not hearing anything either shortly before moving on Egypt.

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I believe it too. Everything's a lie.

They were more greek than Canaanite/Phoenician (all three share a lot in common).
The Jew Testament is written in greek.

What do Dead Sea Scrolls and Diary of Ann Frank have in common?

Not even photos of the actual pages for 90+% have ever been allowed, much less made public. AFAIK we don't even have 1st hand accounts. Its always some guy that talked to the guy who was supposedly allowed to look.

Meanwhile, actual ancient document.....yeah, you can get a full copy printed from hi-rez scan.
While this is considered the best single example found, you can find big chunks of the text in graves and carved into stone showing how the religion evolved, going back thousands of years BC.

You are almost as close to reality as Fomenko with his New Chronology. Almost.

Philip K Dick said "January 6th was the day of Christs baptism".

The entire world was invented as a computer simulation only 3 seconds ago. OP didn't even really type it, it was created with the simulation and tge false memories of it implanted in OP's simulated mind. Prove me wrong.

your point being?

why are there exactly zero clearly Christian artifacts prior to 1000AD in Europe, East Europe, Middle East, Africa or anywhere?

There is a fair amount of decortated pottery from all those regions prior to 1000AD but not a single Jesus related anything. Nor anything Islamic. Islamic have a thingy against pics of "The Prophet" but are sure good at other distinctly Muslim decorations and IMO even more than Christians like to make permanent written memes on stuff.

In contrast you find clearly PRE-Christian European, Egyptian, Mayan, Chinese, etc stuff dug up all the time, yet NEVER anything Christian even in the most SUPPOSEDLY Christian (for hundreds of years) prior to 1000AD.

I didn’t disagree with anything except that big nosed (non-)greeks were a huge part of this moor infiltration. Not canaanites (but they played a big role too).

Are you literally retarded you dumb amerifat ?

We have hundreds of bible manuscripts that even liberal atheist scholars date to 90-130 AD.

We have complete writings from the Church fathers from 150-300 AD.

We have documents from the early eccumenical councils and 8th century debates between Muslims and Christians.

There are hundreds of early Chrisitan artifacts and churches that mirror the theology

KYS Amerifat

Also the temple walls in Jerusalem and the dead sea scrolls

Saul's dead, he was the cloud man. Jesus said do not let the birds precede you. Do some semblance of reading and understanding before dismissing. Your self anger precedes you.

>Nothing Jewish existed prior to arrival of Romans.

And of course the Septuagint

so your a muslim that says stupid shit like islam is the oldest religion. every one knows that isnt true. the language used to write the oldest known copy isnt the oldest language on record. also your prophet was decapitated during a crusade which the eruopeans had realized and have more recently tried to pretend didnt happen but its actually clear going through the records it must have been and that islam isnt nearly as old as some claim. 1st crusade the middle east is mostly jewish. after they get beat down with unprovoked attacks by europe they almost all convert to islam. this includes places you typically associate with being the home of islam. going by the historical account of what the prophet allegedly did that puts him at alive during the first crusade

haven't dug deep into that but he does bring up good points such as un-explained near complete gaps in written history after the Romans had force fed Latin lessons throughout their former empire for near 1000yrs and former Roman slaves were becoming lawyers.

But for now I'm going with General Timeline being intact from SUPPOSEDLY valid soil layer etc dating (but got my eye's peeled for unexplained gaps and I'm going to need to repeat experiments and check against Tree Rings etc). Instead I'm going with unrecorded political ZOG Mafia takeover. You could search combined documents of US Govt, all Western colleges and even current churches and MSM and not find a hint that the Biden Admin is a purely Jewish cabal. Jewish creation/control of The Fed is never mention through an "Economics degree" all the way to PhD. You could attend countless Negro church high level meetings about the evils of drugs, porn, gansta rap, etc and not hear "The Jews" mentioned once.

All you're doing is making a case for phantom time. 1,000 years were added to the calendar after the fall of Rome. Peasants went to sleep in 400~ AD and woke up in 1400~ AD.

Jews QUICKLY produced over 4000pgs of "authenticated photo copy of Nazi's own documents" for Katyn alone, which itself was minor side show of Nuremberg Hoax Trial.

I addressed the issues with claimed pre-1000AD "bible fragments" in my OP. They are exactly what would be expected if someone about 1200AD was tasked with hoaxing and pre-dating, as is the behavior of their current curators.

Likewise, its not the "Holocaust Deniers" that prove to me its a hoax, its the behavior of the Jews when others ask questions.

I'm not a "Denier", I'm more of what you'd call a "Tracker". I just track changes in the official The Holocaust(tm) story as others ask questions.

>"Jesus" was invented about 1000AD, not 30AD.
"The more schizo a conspiracy theory, the more it approximates a comic book story."

-- user

>Jesus was invented
Ok jew

No idea, probably jewshit.

Greek stuff your cousins shitted over and a hoax.

It’s about something else and your family jewed it.