IT’S HAPPENING: You do realize once House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan

It’s over for the Conservatives winning the midterms, right?

Let me explain, just imagine if you will, you wake up in the middle of the night, you don’t know why; you were sleeping just fine and you dont have to go to the bathroom, but you’re awake nonetheless, and to be honest, you feel very well-rested. So you jump online and low and behold, the entire geopolitical world is just BUZZING because Nancy Pelosi just landed in Taiwan and is getting the red carpet treatment. She’s welcomed by the highest levels of government and an entire ensemble of cultural figures playing music and doing ancient dances. A little boy and girl walk up to her and offer her a cup of tea and bouquet of flowers. The entire press corps is there and anticipating Madam Speaker’s press conference with the President of Taiwan. While the world watches with bated breath as this all unfolds, the media is explaining how historic this moment will be given the backdrop of two of the world’s most powerful men (President Biden and President Xi) saber rattling on the world stage about her trip. Back home, Republicans are suing Mickey Mouse and forcing rape victims to have their babies. Nothing is going to stop any of this from happening, and I say that to say this: prepare yourselves for a blue wave the likes of which have never been seen in the history of the United States of America.

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What is the rationale Pelosi is going instead of Biden or Harris?

CIAnig spreading disinformation.

Are you a bot, genuinely asking? OP is retarded but you didn't even read past the first sentence did you?

It’s a one way trip.

voters don't give a fuck about taiwan, why should we?

You left out the part about WW3 and the pits of hell being unlocked. That's the best part of all. Stop teasing us.

> implying pelosi going to Taiwan has any functional purpose
> implying anyone cares about her trip more than US vs CN tensions
> implying the trip won’t be immediately overlooked by the media if the CN threats are a nothing burger
Do you even pay attention to politics at all?

Op is the most faggot OP i have ever seen here

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Imagine being so naïve that you would believe that Conservatives will ever win another election.
You poor, poor boy.

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Sounds great until China retaliates, which they will. All they would have to do is stop sending us fucking tires or something, blame Pelosi for it, and it will cripple America.

This is litetally a copy paste thread from

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>t. Mickey

You people and your constant need to create elaborate fictions are so tiresome. Save it for your Creative Writing 101 course.

I thought there'd be a red wave this November, but the Republicans just couldn't keep their retardation in their pants until the midterms were over, so now I'm not so sure.

I haven't heard of this. Why are they going after Mickey?

>youre already dead.
(wtf is up w/ these replies already containing green text bs?)

i think you mean it's over for her and her reign of terror over the citizens of this country. the blatant corruption has not been paraded around by anyone better than her

Big boobs McGee
starts ww3
temperance at freefall
chinkys seethe
hide yo husbands
no more shopping sprees

Hello you peasant fuck, this is your FKN NEWZ - here your headlines tonight!

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the chinese already proved they could drop even a U.S. fighter jet using electric rain or whatever it was called. they'll probably just use that to make sure her plane crashes no where near taiwan

Once you see "reality" as the show being put on that it is, you can't unsee it. Imagine what will happen when 90% of the population sees it.

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Americans dont care about world politics because mexico and canada are just directions for where to get drugs and maple syrup. If they cared about the world they would have done something about the us military blowing up brown people

Because the president has little power in your country

No they just fucked themselves by passing a semi auto ban in the house just now. Lots of lefties want guns to defend themselves with too I don't know how people don't realize this