Remind me why free healthcare is bad

Remind me why free healthcare is bad.

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Free healthcare is good :)

OP doesnt have a job or get his income taxed

The US could have free healthcare too if we stopped paying for Europe's military.

Its not. Im laid up in bed with the monkeypox, and guess what? My care is free.

Because foreigners dont deserve anything but gay sex

It’s not free and your waiting times suck huge dick. American healthcare is still majority government subsidized to its more public than private, regardless of the rhetoric you hear. We have the best healthcare in the world it’s just expensive as fuck. We need to truly privatize our healthcare system.

>brit to american: haha no free healthcare
>brit to other brit: god I fucking hate the nhs

Add black and brown wolves labeled American coming up saying they do get it. Welfare

it's not free, and letting the government perform triage is dumb- they're incompetent at running simple departments, telling 'em to manage patient care if retarded

Stupid argument, these arguments from the right do nothing but hurt the debate against universal healthcare. Shut the fuck up you sub 100 IQ retard

1. it's not free
2. you're paying for it
3. everyone is (except ultra poor people)
4. the upside is you won't go bankrupt for heart surgery
>inb4 nobody goes bankrupt for heart surgery in the US
I met an america that lived without heart surgery that he needed cause he couldn't afford it and that was being employed
>inb4 he didn't actually needed
he was waiting for the day of heart attack or whatever that was, which was inevitable

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its not free. honest working people pay flr it so that recluses and gypsies fill the emergency room. i went to ER with my mother in a taxi (lmao @ ambulances) and they were too busy treating drugged up hobos. asked a doctor on a cigar break what could i take ftom the farmacy and he just kept insisting that im lying about having done drugs or something and im making it up amyway. ended up leaving and the farmacy chick was more helpful, took a pill or two and i was fine after.

Proud parasite

Free healthcare is going away in most European countries over the next few decades. You have too many immigrants that suck up social services while producing very little. You will wake up one day and find either a healthcare system that doesn't work and so you never use it, or it will be privatized in virtually all of Europe. It's actually going to be quite hilarious.

It's the most expensive forn of health care

>Europe has 100 million more people than US
>US gdp is 7 trillion higher

If you need an explanation why socialist healthcare is bad you’re either a nigger or ur retarded. Possibly both

Before coronavirus I normally could get a basic appointment at my local practice on the same day or week
The waiting time is now a bare minimum of 4 weeks, the NHS gets barraged by calls at their practices at 8:30AM every weekday morning hoping to get an appointment
Our waiting times in A&E at hospitals are now averaging at over 5 hours
Our public health service is so bad people are choosing private healthcare merely to skip the fucking queue.

its communism, just as free education.

Because people who can't afford healthcare are likely unskilled and/or unemployed and don't contribute to society. Why should I keep them alive with my tax dollars? Cut food stamps while you're at it.

It sucks. I would seriously rather pay for the healthcare I need.
>not free
>not universal
>barely even cares for your health
I would seriously rather crash my kike score or put forward a fake name and skip the bill than deal with our bullshit another day.

The US pays more than any other country on healthcare. Doing what every other country does would save us billions every year.

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Yeah, "free" healthcare is going just awesome in Leaf Land you faggot.

>Doing what every other country does
Putting the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies deeper in bed with the gov't? Oh, yeah, that'll REALLY take down the cost...

Civilised countries pay less for better healthcare.
Gas yourself kike

>letting the government handle it will make it cheaper
Has literally never happened in the history of this country.

Super shit for all involved.
>pay for imports
>Fat whores
>low wages for medical staff
>long long waits
>no choice in doctor state provide changjeet
>Verification not required

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Come to Canada and see how amazing the "free" healthcare is.

How much did you pay for our Covid vaccines again?
You are a paypig to our healthcare industry.


That's pretty nice that all of the doctors and hospitals are going to provide services for free, but how will the doctors have a place to live or food to eat?

>free education

That shit shouldn't be free, if you want kids you should have to pay for it yourself.

Don't be nigger and your insurance covers 99 percent of it. Or be a penny pinching kike or lazy nigger and get bullshit insurance that rapes you after anyway.

There is literally nothing wrong with private health insurance and you can't prove me wrong

ain't nothing free

It's frankly still shit but honestly necessary in counties where you get "free" health insurance. When has a gov't ever provided what's necessary?

I wish you cunts would so you would finally fuck off. When we had a global empire we brought irrigation, penicillin and the railway to our new territories. All you bring is incest porn and debt

its is free, but you can pay for it to get certificate.

if you don´t pay taxes is free

How to get "free" healthcare in the USA

step 1 - Kick all jews out

benefits ? everyone instantly becomes rich and science / medicine raise miraculously to new heights. All societal problems vanishes instantly, basic truth being unchallenged by jews.

>How to get "free" healthcare in the USA
you go to the hospital and never pay any bills
it's not really that difficult
nobody pays for healthcare in this country except retarded well-to-do white people

our doctors are actual doctors, they don't google shit on their phone and scratch their balls for $12 an hour.

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Yeah deonstrated with every statistic on this planet comparing us healthcare system to every western nation with healthcare

Free health care is a myth. Also "free" health care doesn't mean shit when the care you get is subpar.