Consequence of unfettered capitalism

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don't eat plastic, retard

No surprise seeing as China and India have formed a new country from floating ocean garbage

Sea turtles will soon gain plastic resistance to the point they will be able to digest it.

more like unfettered chinks

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nice, Australia don't need no oil to make plastic anymore
just farm some sea turtles and process their shit

You have to be 18+ to post here, dogfucking gook

Retarded Turtle kept alive

shitting out pure plastic ey? Sounds like a good way to recycle some plastic. Those green niggers will totally be behind this venture just need to get hands on a swarm of these little buggers and throw them into that plastic island floating in the ocean.

Coca Cola should pay, most of the plastic comes from them. You never hear any criticism about the poison they sell, or the pollution they produce.

>CCP dumps more plastic than all of Europe and USA combined
>capitalism's fault
I'll kill you when we meet.

Theres a channel on youtube of these volunteers who just chase down seals and wrangle them so they can cut off whatever plastic or netting is stuck on them. Happens a fucking lot apparently.

How did it affect the turtles testosterone? That's the important question.

>Still thinking China, the world's factory, isn't capitalist.

serious dumbass
and they're trying to save this thing???

I seethe like an angry libtard when I see people's garbage around the lake I fish at. Why do people think it's okay to throw their trash wherever they please pol?

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China is capitalist?


The 7 most polluted rivers (that feed into the oceans) are in China and India.


>noooo, goyim! It is the responsibility of the White working class, not the corporations!

yet, theres no video of this turtle pooping plastic
more made up bullshit like 99% of what the media tells us.

it mostly comes from china and india you dumb faggot

All of the world’s problems can be traced to the apathy of the average individual of European ancestry.