Why shouldn't Taiwan be independent?

Why shouldn't Taiwan be independent?

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Yes and mutts should die for it lol

If they want to be independent they should.
Tyrany will never win over desire for freedom.


Cause it's all libtards now, just like the Yankees planned. Even the old school KMT types would have been better.

because that put the chinkies in check so they will retaliate. They should be independent but it's just not viable until the ccp is removed

Because they make those sweet, sweet microchips that China craves.

China must grow larger
China will grow larger

Why should I or anyone that's not from China or Taiwan give a fuck? Taiwan could become Angolan and I wouldn't guve a fuck.

You better worry about your 31 trillion dollars debt, your 14% annual inflation, your stock market mega bubble, and your quarter after quarter shrinking GDP, BLM and Antifa burning cities down and the Opium War 2.0 (this time in your own turf and with Fentanyl)

Taiwan is actually China proper. The mainland part is ruled by inbred mutts. Too bad they had to side with the faggot Americans though. Death to Taiwan. Death the fags. Death to Niggers.

>why should I care about the balance of geopolitical power?

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commies need constant expansion otherwise they crumble under their own weight

Because - there is Nation of China and all states claiming to be chinese belong to it: Taiwan, Singapur, Macao, Australia.

Because - its a troyan horse and security threat, legitimating US military presence in the region. It should be neutralized at all cost - either annexed or destroyed.

Because - its country creaed by ideological enemies of Communist party, and it shoudnt be allowed to exist as illustration of other, non-communist chinese nation.

Because - geography is destiny.

Because - Taiwan cant be effectively independent, its dependent on China for everything as it stands already.

Because - peacefull reunion of China and Taiwan is possible, but US wants to divide and conquer, creating conflict there and later funneling weapons there to weaken China. Peaceful resolution is not in mind of US. Thus it should be sovled before its too late.

>Americans actually dying for our national interests for once

Slaughtering mainlander gooks and denying them the microchip plants is a worthy cause.

You fuckers need to get off your asses and start getting the chinks addicted to opium again.

You're calling me a retard for not wanting to die for an island full of chinks that's only relevant because our politicians wanted to outsource chips? If you want to die for Taiwan go right ahead.

Geopolitics is such a bullshit term anyways. It's what midwits use when they can't come up with a reason for war. There is not one tangible reasom why anyone should care about Taiwan, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan or any other shithole.

Why do we need microchips from taiwan if we can just make them here and bring back industry kike nigger faggot.

It is independent. China just cant cope with reality as usual.

>Russia isn’t communist, goyim, look away, we’re lebased white saviors and not the hordes of seething niggers still sore from centuries of anal raping at the hands of the mighty British empire

All inferior races will bend the knee or be annihilated, mongoloid

because it should be restored to Chinese Republic, taking continental part back.

Tbh senpai, looting China would go some way towards fixing some of that stuff, we could literally go in, take their commodities and ship them back to the West. We could also impose a massive war indemnity on them again, Changoids have a lot of gold and shit like that

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Because they can’t win it for themselves

Lol, Chinese territory is the same for the last 70 years

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