You're going to regret staying indoors all day, go enjoy the scenery , take some pictures and get some new hobbies

You're going to regret staying indoors all day, go enjoy the scenery , take some pictures and get some new hobbies

Attached: FWF0RPLXgAA_oCD.jpg (2048x2048, 870.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's raining here.

Shut up

Gas is too expensive to drive :/

Good thread.

is that Greta? She's kinda cute wtf

she needs a different bra

I’m going on a 240 mile round trip today just to water some trees on my brother’s land because he hasn’t hit his well pump built yet and he’s in Scotland on vacation. I’ll be in a car most of the day though

Fuck Gorka. I mean Greta

He user, wuss wrong wtchoo bruh?

She needs to stop wearing a bra


Yeah she’s maturing into that wholesome Nordic elf look. It’s homely but cute in its own way.
Why? They are perky, no?

She is transitioning into an ugly dude

Both B*n Kl*ssen (extreme edgelord) and based moderate doctor in this video promotes the healthy exposure to sunlight

Why does NPC entertainment want us to stay indoors so much (online gaming, for example)?

I will never regret ac.

Greta looks deformed.

Get some proper we weather gear, hiking trails in the pissing rain is magical. My favorite part is stopping somewhere along the way and riging a tarp up with cord between some trees and boiling some water for tea and a meal. Wet boreal forest is the best scent known to man, if you're white.

Attached: 3.jpg (582x835, 104.66K)

Okay and with who can I do that? I am KHV without any friends, my only options are getting drunk or talking on /pol

malnutrition and autism memeflag faggot

Red shoes
