She's on the way

place your bets

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>place your bets
Nothing happens

She's nearly in Hawaii, update your screenshot negro

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She wont stop in Taiwan

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100% China cucks.

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She will fly to Japan or China first. In a couple of days, it will only become clear whether she will fly to Taiwan.

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it's been fun everbody

Cringe ivan

im out of the loop. what's going on?

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China won't do anything.

if I get a 666 she's going travel straight to minecraft

Pelosi is gonna start World war 3 for some Taiwanese shekels

how do we know that's her flight?

Rolling for fireball at altitude.

nancy pelosi is going to land in taiwan and china sais they're gonna shut the plane down if she does it, then invade taiwan.

her? she's got some amazing tits


i am Nancy Pelosi ama

Someone explain to me why the old bat is even doing this.

kek it'd be funny if 62,000 people were watching a nothing burger

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No one knows, not one media source has explained why.

I mean, you got a USAF plane that is meant for VIPs departing San Fran going West at the same time Pelosi claims she is going to visit Taiwan...

to show china we support taiwan

I'm not a betting man, but I believe nothing will happen. If Pelosi or any of the security advisors thought there was any real risk, they wouldn't go. She's probably going to be fine.

Alternate reality version: She's not on the plane, she's actually on a private beach somewhere sipping pina coladas. The plane will get blowed up by either China or glowniggers and pretext for war established.

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>Someone explain to me why the old bat is even doing this.

Probably to assert dominance or some other pathetic shit. The chinese have said that its going to be a serious problem. So they have to put up or shut up. See pic

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Did you ever give your husband insider knowledge ahead of economically impactful governmental decisions?

pelosi? he's an old witch with soggy titts hanging below belly. you missconfused her probably with that Disney twat,, whats her name..