Why are some “people” not racist?

Why are some “people” not racist?
What’s wrong with them?

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I try to avoid being racist as I feel its too much work.

Just take decisive actions at the right time rather than marching & screaming nigger, nigger,nigger.

They have sex.

If you could be a fly on the shoulder of any interracial (really inter-species) couple you would find the white member become utterly "racist" when the other is acting up and making problems. Some people just don't get it.

Cucked by the jew

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It’s pretty amazing how tolerant everyone racist community is.
They don’t care if you are black or jewish, as long as you are being racist too

Blindly racist = / = Racial realism
You look at that woman and just because of the dark skin complexion your brain turns off and you go nigger. I look at the image and see classic European facial skeletal features and indication of a good frontal lobe along with light eyes.
You are blindly racist. I am not.
We are not the same.

She is of European race, it's just her skin is black. You can tell by her face. Probably Ethiopian. 10/10 would bang.

That is David Bowie and Imam. He is ded 10 years who knows where she is?

Neither is a human. Fun fact.

They do whatever the TV tells them

celebrities date and "marry" for PR and attention
nothing they do is heartfelt

Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

But, user, why deprave yourself of the joy of screaming nigger, nigger, nigger?

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Shes hot for a somalian.

She's a granny businesswoman now, running a fashion and perfume business

Iman filled their house with Wakanda art and Bowie got mad for destroying property value.

There are no antiracists, they are only racists in closet.

70 years of race mixing propaganda can really screw with a mf.


Dead weight, nasty bunch

They're jews and do it so goyim would copy them.

She still has the Somalian light bulb skull

i always told myself that i wouldn't mind dating a black girl. but when the opportunities have presented themselves, i just couldn't bring myself to do it. i just have a subconscious dislike for the lesser races

Horners are caucasoid. A lot of Habeshas have lineages that go back to the Sabeans who in turn had ties to the Levant, the Natufians. You can extrapolate from that what you want.

Look at the old sabean writing and compare to a the Nord script found at a burial site.

>wasted his genes on some somali
>nu-Any Forums screaming how based bleaching is when nothing good was passed on
place is going to shit.

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Not being racist = demographic suicide!

there is only one race, the human race, and the goal is to win it, dose their union give them an advantage over the competition is a far more apt question