Pan European

So now that nationalism is dead who would you include in your new pan European identity?

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No one and I shall be remaining nationalist kindly kill yourself

Tribes will just move around like they did during the roman invasions

>nationalism is dead
Oh you just wait

>nationalism is dead
I wish

Nationalism is retarded, all Europeans are white and all are my brothers and sisters. Imagine hating and wanting to kill your brethren just because your tribe did x to tribe y 500 years ago. I'm supporting federalization of the EU.

Nobody who doesn't have at least 5 generations of ties to my city.

kill yourself, brusselsturd

Except your line should rip straight through the middle of Czech Republic. People from Plzen or Prague are completely different in mentality, more westoid than people from Brno and Morava as a whole, they are more estoid type.

t. Pražák that likes Moraváks more than fellow Pepiks

where are the new muslim states

Serbia isn't med. But everything else is right.

>pan European identity
Gas yourself Moshe.
Also, how retarded do you have to be to draw a map where Slavs are meds and Latin speakers east?

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I’m a trifecta mutt but I loook like a leprechaun.

Kek, your language is slavoid and turkic, just because you added some Italian/French words doesn't make it Romance.

Feels good to be a proud Ulsterman

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>most retarded zogbot post in thread
No surprises here. Now stfu and clean them while grownups talk politics

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Dude we need power more localised with all nationalists have a broad alliance out of brotherhood rather than become a fucking (((superstate)))

You are dead, western mutts! Bulgaria has overlived Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire, The Great Powers, the USSR. We will overlive the USA and the EU and will piss and shit on your graves!

reminder that pan-europeanism is left-lib twitter/reddit psyop

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You mistyped 5 centuries there

children working in a sweatshop in indonesia earn more than you

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Go back to begging for money gypsy, ria ria Hungaria.
We need in fact, you are not invited anyway, EU is going to become a superstate regardless, if you like it or no. No more brother wars.

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Kike spotted.

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>Toilet cleaner can't even wait out to get shit on, has an urge to provoke
Fuck you know about languages? Romanian is closer to Latin than any, except for Italian. >b me, fluent in 7 languages and getting by on all other European ones
Fuck back to plebbit with your jewpedia shit


>Posts map without Pooland existing

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paneuropeanism is only for westoids who have given up on reclaiming their homelands and lgbt eastoids who hope to be "liberated" from "patriarchy" and "archaic structures" by westoid ngo's so they can meet their mulatto wife (male) through erasmus exchange program.

Sure, this one is better. Romania under Turkish boot, just like it should be. We shouldn't have accept Bulgaria and Romania into EU, corrupt shitholes.

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So What?
All the western puppets will be abandoned by your masters like South Vietnam and Afghanistan. Then you will end up in labour camps.

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Nationalism was a 18th century thing invented in masonic lodges as a weapon to dismantle old empires (like austria-hungary, ottomans, russia) into easily controllable puppet states

>nationalism is dead

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