Press [S] to spit on German high tech super mega equipment


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Other urls found in this thread:

>Equipment is used
>Needs maintenance like every other tool in existence
>Loool you suck!
Are you stupid or a shill?

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>GEt fucked russniggers

29.7.2022 - 20:10 hrs
Gazprom makes further accusations to partners at Turbine

Gazprom is making further accusations against its German partners in the dispute over reduced gas supplies from Russia. The Russian state-owned company's vice chairman Vitaly Markelov said that returning a pipeline turbine serviced in Canada to Russia via Germany instead of directly did not comply with the terms of the contract. In addition, he said, Siemens Energy, the manufacturer contracted to perform the maintenance, had repaired only a quarter of the defects found.

>high tech

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Russia really are just taking the piss now. At this point I wouldn’t be shocked if they took a crowbar to the turbine and said “it was like that when we got it”

>Equipment needs maintenance after intensive use

k9 reigns supreme. the end of story

germany has found a way to replenish its storage even though only 20% is running.
the gas level is already at 67.5% and it is only august.
next year will be so good for the russians.
They won't get anything more from the West.

Kys nigger like your leader

Most NATO armies use equipment which is not designed to actually wage war. It's just an elaborate money laundering scheme for politicians and oligarchs to embezzle public funds. Equipment like that wasn't supposed to actually ever be used in combat, so it breaks down when put to actual use.

How's the public heating in Hannover? Still ain't workin'?

this is what you do next year when you have to work 8 hours for a packet of butter.

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the Panzerhaubitze 2000 was always a useless overhyped piece of shit.

t. ex Artilleryman

Why it in the news? Every equipment need maintenance.
Journalists have nothing else to write about? What next? A sensation news that soldiers need to sleep, eat and drink?

public heating, 27°C outside.....

I will cuck you

Would these actually electrocute you? Wouldn't the electricity just flow through the metal closest to the prongs because its the path of least resistance.

I've already cut your balls off.

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fuck that granny also

> The German city of Hanover has turned off the heating and switched to cold showers in all public buildings because of the Russian gas crisis.

Good morning Columbus.

>next year will be so good for the russians.
>They won't get anything more from the West.
I’m confused, why is it good for the Russians if they aren’t getting anymore from the the west? Also europe will still be getting gas and oil from Russia next year, they won’t find a solution magically

> hohols completely misuse equipment and go on 24/7 blasting mission, break their toys and incable of servicing and repairing them and then cry for more weapons and complain about the countries they are getting donations from
wow such a surprise, memeflaggot.

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please buy our shit, polnische schw.. freunde

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Oh no the Mongol got sad

My VW with a gun is shitting the bed again, and it's gonna cost HOW MUCH?!

electricity flows around metal, not through it.
you're getting shocked.

Most real world home circuits have fuses, so it just short-circuit the outlet, triggering the fuse to turn off. Arguably it can get hot and give you a burn.

If anything this is just proof that subjecting hohols to German maintenance standards is racist.

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russia has been the west, user.
the cold war was just a ruse to get blank checks for military spending.

Russia will lose every single ally in the next few years and they will also turn off their gas, thus Russia loses any credibility as a reliable supply partner, it is then only a matter of time until China is no longer interested.
what were the russniggers thinking that the eu would just watch.

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you have zero concept of how electricity works.

>Have some massive 200mm cannon on a rolling track
>You have to maintain it

Maybe. But I'm open to knowledge. What point of my statement reveal my lack of understanding?

In the first moments it will, but since the voltage is so high, the metal will heat and its(the metal's) resistance will increase untill it exceeds the resistance of the persons skin (~500 ohms), at which point current will arc through the skin and into the body, at which point it will fry everyrhing inside because under the skin we are basically walking water tanks.

it is normal. they shoot a lot of shells at nasty russian subhumans. just like the good old days.

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a t34 from the second largest factory had to replace transmission after 24 hours of travel it was so bad they come out with with a second transmission strapped to to the back

german arty showing maintence issues after couple months isn't really un common for such a heavy piece of kit

the short-circuiting.
if that were to happen then electric chairs wouldn't work.