LEAFS: Was universal healthcare collapsing an inevitability?

After they abandoned me over a fake vaccine I refused to take a year ago, people I was just warming up to again have started to make healthcare their big new issue.

Particularly irksome to me is the conspiracy theory that conservatives are starving the system and murdering people so that they can then swoop in and offer privatized services at great profit to save hospitals.

Universal single-payer Healthcare here come about after WW2. Back then it made sense with limited and not overly expensive medications and procedures, and a smaller population.
Now everything seems to be covered, including tranny surgeries, and the cost of procedures and medicines are astronomical.
Add on top that nurses, and indeed anybody at all that works in healthcare, demands more money and more perks year after year.

All of this is paid for (theoretically) by a tax pool that can't keep up and, and as each new tax payer also inevitably becomes a user of the system, tax dollars can never keep up.

Is universal Healthcare working anywhere in the world?

Was it always doomed?

Personally I think it is utopian and impossible to make this work, and that "free healthcare" is a thing canadians identify themselves with, who think that it's an irreplaceable part of reality rather than a Boomer luxury that future generations won't experience

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It has to do with demographics. Boomers in the west aborted too many offspring and fucked up the population pyramid. So you end up with fewer makers and more takers over time. Immigration is supposed to fill this gap, but it backfires if those immigrants are not self sustaining and they go on the dole. Over time, as Boomers age, probably by 2026 we will see massive demand on the health care system. With millenials and zoomers getting slammed by high debtloads, student debt and high property prices, the ageing boomers won’t be able to pull too much tax revenue out of them. The social contract will break.

Ageing boomers is a theme in all societies except Africa.


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I agree with this on face

I'm just stunned other people think we just need to spend more money while somehow also not having to experience any austerity in other sector.
It's just so illogical that I feel I must be missing something

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Based dirty race mixer poliveirre is suggesting more foreign doctors to help us.

Canada will probably end up with some kind of financial tax shelter like an RRSP or TFSA, but for personal health care. You would convert your investments into a health spending plan that would let boomers pay for their hip surgeries in the private sector.

Yeah, there is no future that will be allowed in this timeline that doesn't just involve importing brown immigrants

the problem is they don't allow a private sector to alleviate the public healthcare and compete globally and the hospitals have been backed up and full since atleast the 70s and they never make any more except every year liberals and cons alike pat themselves on the back for bringing in more shitskins and undesirables while doing nothing about the infastructure. A lot of leafs end up going to the states for paid healthcare if they can afford it because the wait times are severely diminished. during COVID it was even worse because all the GPs and doctors were actually too pussy to even see any patients so they sent everyone to the ER for fucking nothing ( we have walk in clinics too atleast in onterrible but they are shitty and can even be a longer wait than ER)

Interesting concept.
Most would not go for it though; everything must be paid for by other people, and any personal expenditure will be decried as fascism or some other nonsense

>Particularly irksome to me is the conspiracy theory that conservatives are starving the system and murdering people so that they can then swoop in and offer privatized services at great profit to save hospitals.

this is true here except it was the liberals doing it. They were cutting spending big time. They also blamed covid for causing hospital wait times to be too long despite it always being a problem ever since they started cutting.

Why do people from Ontario call it that?
I've lived there in the past and the place was fucking beautiful, and aside from Alberta (maybe other Prarie provinces, too, I don't know) had the best outdoors opportunities, most lax & generous hunting and fishing rules, and was far easier to be a small business owner facing less regulations there than in the Maritimes where I am from and live now

This country is fucked man, I went from receiving welfare and following up to my family doctor and psychiatrist, to absolute radio silence in the course of a month. Plus the psychiatrist and secretary didn't forward any of my reports for two fucking months. Family doctor was supposed to send me an email but I got absolutely nothing, and they expect us to pay for this.

All of that comes down to the idea that high quality, free healthcare performed by an adequate and well paid staff is a realistic expectation, and it simply isn't.
I do not understand the "it's all conservative's fault" angle. There's not any province in which this system is a success

>not financially solvent

Not to say the crooked sheisters we deal with are much better, it just won't collapse due to financial insolvency.

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You shouldn't have to pay for what you're not receiving.
Maybe privatized is the way forward

You ready now, leafs?

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I'm not reading all that. Get rid of illegals, browns, migrants and everything works fine. Get rid of social welfare programs, reduce tax rate to 1%.

He's a faggot

Even with the correct demographics it only kicks the problem down the road... eventually there is going to be a population bottleneck.

Foreign donations, bail outs, and laws/bills need to be singularly passed on their own merits with no additional 'pork' allowed.

1. Universal Healthcare would be an amazing thing.
2. It could work wonderfully.
3. In a WHITE society. That's it.
4. You add minorities and non-whites and suddenly they aren't contributing anywhere close to what they demand.
5. After years of strain, the system begins to collapse.
6. But instead of acknowledging the problem...
7. We blame the other political party and double down, importing more 3rd worlders.

Anything embedded with the USA collapses
Come home yellow man

Imagine being a dumbfuck canadian liberal retard and not knowing health care is the responsibility of the provinces and not the federal government and then blaming the federal conservative party for the problems

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