Neofascist Sinaloa cartel, you are on official notice

Neofascist Sinaloa cartel, you are on official notice.

We have defeated the Trumpists.

We are now defeating bikers.

We will defeat you next.

We are Antifa. And we are not to be trifled with.

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Drug cartels are inherently 'leftists'. They are the ones behind the homeless epidemic.

I was killing fascists when the punks of my day were in diapers. Good luck facing the cartel!


Basd comrade, show those Fascist cartels whose boss. They won't stand a chance when we punch their Nazi lights out.

so hows defeating Hells Angels going?

they are afraid of us

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lol, nice one OP, very funny.


There's so many ANTIFA stickers in the eternal plague that is my city, it would be very easy to put up bullshit posters kek.


Good luck!

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By all means cuckmmunists, go face the cartels. that at least is useful and would indicate you actually care.

I just recommend using something bigger as a weapon. Maybe AK's

3/10 narcoterrorista bait

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Antifa, built for BBC

Is there anything more hilarious than these retards appropriating "fuck around and find out" immediately after their comrades in Kenosha did just that? It's like all they can ever do is NO U but we're the "reactionaries" lmao

You lost to Nixon lmao

>We are Antifa. And we are not to be trifled with.

We have the biggest weapon of all in are aresonal.
Social Justice.

Nobody is afraid of a seething chihuahua.
Everyone knows you could just kick that annoying pest against the wall to silence it.
People aren't doing it, is cause Antifa are just the militant arm of establishment billionaires, who also have control over DAs and judges.

There wouldn't be an Antifa if the system wasn't funding and protecting it all the time.

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There is an antifa still because we are the tip of the spear when it comes to social justice. Society hates us because they are not ready for us. But they need us. Badly.

The Ruger 1022 with suppressor is great for antifa hunting. Setup in the trees or on buildings where Antifa gathers. Ask the IDF how effective they are.

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Nigger Atlantic Terrorist Organisation

>Society hates us

>But they need us. Badly.
Nobody needs you, except for your establishment handlers.
You are just goons, who were brainwashed into doing the dirty work of the establishment.

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And the protection will be removed one day. Once they become a liability. Antifa has reached its zenith. Karna will come to collect. And the wailing and cries will be sweet.

literal fags

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