What is the ISS, exactly? They fake all the footage from its alleged interior. Is that a hologram up there...

What is the ISS, exactly? They fake all the footage from its alleged interior. Is that a hologram up there? None of the reference photos look like what's up in the sky.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-29 215750.png (271x182, 52.77K)

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A space station

>they fake all the footage

Money laundering scam

what would be the purpose of faking it

He believes the Earth is flat. Pay no mind to the peons in the peanut gallery. They know not what they say.

i also believe the earth is flat

It is flat. You can zoom in on buildings and landmarks that should be hidden behind several hundreds of feet of curvature according to spherical trigonometry.

And thus the chamber you exist in is round.

Attached: retardchamber.jpg (576x768, 98.48K)

Inculcate the masses into gnostic fantasy, which they've been incredibly successful at doing.

I also believe the earth is flat

Just like all the high altitude photography shows the Earth is actually flat because there's no cur-

Oh wait... You Kike shills never expected people to take the time to actually think through your bullshit, did you?

Attached: DUH2.png (1156x1296, 1.29M)

>taken through a window
try again

Gnosticism is the true religion of the Jews and you believe their mythology

it's a toroid

Attached: 1630027140110.png (1834x2126, 3.21M)

who would live in the surface of a moon, a planet or a star? who would live in the surface of a spaceship?

Attached: 12172018_campfireworkers_152954-780x460.jpg (780x460, 88.08K)

The ISS is at least a satellite because the slow scan ham radio is quite easy to track.

But the footage is quite questionable.
If they're in low G, why does their hair only float in one direction as if they were upside down?

Shouldn't it float in any available direction?

right answer, user
and it grows

it's either a hologram or from what i've gathered a modified U-2 spy plane


light has attenuation and cannot travel forever. that in itself debunks space, especially in a 'near perfect' vacuum where matter still exists as the transmission medium where light would decay

Most likely it's another hoax like the Moon landings and the Mars rover landings. It's likely just a model then editing guys cutting to the Hollywood sets inter-cut with the upper-atmosphere flights to simulate zero gravity.

Not needed unless you’re a faggot

Holy digits Batman!

Ahh No. I fly aircraft across seemingly vast distances and use weather information to plot successful courses over those distances. Information which would not be useful on a Flat Plane. Utilizing technology which would be impossible on such a World as flat as your brain.

You sir, are a Kike shill. I eagerly await the day your people are glassed upon the Earth for your treachery against man.

It does. You're either fooling yourself with baseless investigation or lying through your teeth. Lol. You realize there are videos online? Free to watch?

What is this word, I've seen it time to time, mostly people shitting on it.
Got a Qrd? Thanks anons

earth is not a globe it euclidean geometry is based on flat planes which is what navigation is used for. anything globe related relies on non-euclidean geometry where they presuppose the 'perfect sphere'

measuring the surface of a sphere is non-euclidean geometry which is not what is represented in the real world. the real world has been measured on the flat euclidean plane for centuries


Satellites are balloons;


>what would be the purpose of faking it
It cost 10 billion dollars?

Look who believes in the perpetual flying machine

In the year 2022 people in the 1970s thought we would have cool shit like this by now but instead we have a cramped 20 year old space station for 7 scientists.

Attached: 581504052.jpg (640x360, 35.17K)

I’ve seen footage of ISS so I know it’s real and it moves really fast. It also moves similarly to the UFO stuff, super fast and similar shapes. Since there’s old footage of the ISS in space that’s clearly a toy model in a studio, we can assume they just built something similar to what you’d expect, reflecting the actual probe that flies around, and created a fake and gay campaign to pretend they’re actually doing missions in space. With all the billions they get, I’m sure whatever production they have is expensive, however not 22 billion dollars per year’s worth obviously.

celestial navigation is based on euclidean geometry and the equatorial worizon which is basically taking your spherical earth and cutting it in half at the equator thus creating a flat earth circular disc to plot your points on. flat is needed

Oh cool another well poisoning thread. I guess this whole board is schizos I better disregard everything I see here.. Fuck off rabbi. Season this bread appropriately.