Government controlled chinese media suggested to shot down Cuckold States of Muttland's plane. USA seeth in response.

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Half of us laughing and hoping you do it isn't "seething" lmao.

The fact that it's just nonstop on here with bots reposting these threads tells me that this whole thing is fabricated and she's not even going

Muttland is moving it's rusty fleet(lol) to China

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As long as glowniggers die in the process Im fine with it.

Half of the world is laughing because of your president and femoids in government, lol

Threadly reminder that Changs won't do shit

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Holy shit

USA will run while shitting itself like you always did

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BuuuuuLL shiiiiiiiiit. Won't happen. China is papper tiger.

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If they are trying to get Americans physic up for a war with China, they are wasting their time. The country isn't in the mood or the shape.

>implying that China would ever do anything that would make the USA better

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>Chinese state media
So they're jingoist retards? Big deal. We've got those too. We even had that one Republican that publicly encouraged Russians to assassinate Putin.

We let the Japs bomb Pearl Harbor despite having advanced warning just so that Americans would be angry enough to fight the war.

We faked a naval engagement in Gulf of Tonkin to fight a war about French colonialism.

We let terrorist fly planes into the WTC just so we could justify 20 years of making the MIC rich

We will let Pelosi's plane get shot down with a body double in it while she retires to a private villa with her drunk lecherous husband to justify another war to pump our economy and return manufacturing to America

It's like the Chinese don't know our MO is take flesh wounds as an excuse to go berserk on people

Hunter was compromised by chinese hookers. This is 100% a coordinated, manufactured crisis.

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Nothing ever happens.
Pelosi won't go. If she does, China will do nothing. Things will continue to get a little worse until at last the age of eternal slavery is here.

Anyone have the pics of Pelosi's son with Chinese hookers either? The hooker in bondage?

More than likely either Pelosi will cuck out and Americans will look like pussies or China will cuck out and look like pussies

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China seethes any time someone so much as looks at Taiwan


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