Why do leftists hate children so much?

Why do leftists hate children so much?

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Why do rightoids hate their own children so much?

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a child is the biggest responsibility ever in this human life. no wonder these fucking idiots avoid it and kill it at all fucking costs.

Being gay is something experienced by the second generation of those who abandoned christ.

I'm not a leftist but I believe marriage is a scam created by women to enslave men into child support.
We should behave like most animal species do.
The male impregnates the female and lets her take care of their kids by herself.

>Why do leftists hate children so much?
They dont hate black children. If you say the African population is out of control a leftist will get angry.
They only hate white children. its not about overpopulation
The only actual belief a leftist has is they want the extinction of whites. Everything else they say is bs. this is why they seem to have so many contradictory beliefs. None of them contradict their desire for white genocide though because that is that only thing they actually want

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Why do you hate your dad?

All you need to know.


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The ideological predecessors of Antifa (anarcho-syndicalists) were the first ones to push for mass abortion and contraception as part of plan to destroy capitalism through destroying the birthrate. This call for a "birth strike" was carried over to the American communist party and the ACLU.

This is because the left is inherently satanic. Unlike God, Satan cannot create, he can only destroy. This causes Satan to become deeply jealous of God, and as such Satan seeks to destroy all that God has created. The left likewise cannot create, it can only destroy, and seeks to tear down and annihilate everything which Western Civilization and free markets have made.

This is precisely why communists seek to destroy the family. Leftists hate everything beautiful and fertile.

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they hate life itself

There's way more to it than self-hatred. Leftism has literal satanic roots.

It's a wrong cringe picture. My picrel is a correct picture.

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My kid isn't a faggot because my family doesn't shelter kiddie diddlers


Leftists hate everything that's good and pure in this world.

overpopulation is a real problem, look at what happened to internet when big corpos started taking over and bringing in consoomers

It's not kids that they hate, its innocence. You'll see them rail against pet ownership, too. Everyone and everything must be as miserable and evil as them.

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They hate having children, not children.
The same reason they hate having guns, they don’t feel guilty when an abstract force takes care of what their weakness doesn’t allow them to do. Protecting themselves, having children, teaching them, etc.

Who mentioned faggots you boring Icelandic piece of shit?

My dad has 7 Kids and fucking hates us. Always bitching and moaning even though he's a multi millionaire

They cost too much, they're annoying as fuck and they grow up to be little dickheads like you and me. Have all the children you want, just don't make it my problem especially if your fucking annoying brat is behind me on a airplane.

I'm not sure if they hate it as much as they were just not prepared to lose it when they did. We all lose it at one point or another in our lives. Some may have however seen that innocent state as a state of weakness or of such vulnerability that the pain of losing it was too much to bear and that it is a crime for anyone to be allowed to be in such a state. So why not expose everyone to the abyss as soon as possible? They didn't realize that everyone has a time to see it, no one is truly prepared for it and trying to force or hasten that process can actually be damaging.
We all looked into the abyss but when it stared back, some blinked.

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