Any good degrees for anons who aren't blessed in the brains department?

Hey bros, midwit here, it sucks. I'm very bad at man and my brain fries when I try to solve shit. I wanna go to uni, what should I choose? STEM is not an option for me

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go into the trades, learn welding or some shit then advance into underwater welding and make tons of $$$$

Mechanical engineering is where most of the idiots go who can't cut it in any other field of stem. And as a bonus if you mechanical is too hard you can switch to civil engineering... Its basically a free degree like business or education.

Finance. Seriously, the math is easy for everything except quant-ralated shit, and honestly who wants to be a quant. Know algebra and you’re good.

Don’t be intimidated, the concepts aren’t hard, it’s just a lot.

What if he doesn't want to work 50 extra hours of mandatory overtime every week?

Unironically claim to be black. You will never fail a class again.

Always be closing

Anyone can learn a trade. If my contractors semi-retarded son can learn, then you can.
Unless you are full retarded, then NEET.

>What if he doesn't want to work 50 extra hours of mandatory overtime every week?
then dont. not all of us are pushovers

Oh shit, I forgot an apostrophe. Am I retarded?

Law. Easy as fuck as long as you are a narcissist and sociopath

If you were American is tell you to get a JD. They literally let anyone be a lawyer these days. In Euro land, I have no idea what sets you up for a job. If you can't do steam, I would say study marketing, and try to get a job in Asia, as a western talent position kinda thing.

Lesson is, back in the day, Tradies made and maintained everything, now it's made by bots and maintained by Tradies.

So, for now, tradies are literally the only necessary work force.

Mr. Insurance and Mr. Actuarial Table can get fucked when shit hits the fan.

Go into trades. AI will soon replace most midwit stem jobs.

Business, like accounting or finance.
>inb4 jew
The world needs honest bankers.
Most curriculums won't need any calculus at all, maybe some concepts from calc I, but nothing a calculator can't handle. Your pay won't be fantastic, but chances are you'll run into people who know how to invest properly. Hang out with them while you get your degree.

>aren't blessed in the brains department
women's studies

the medical sciences, including MD's, are more a test of determination and tolerance than intelligence. anyone can become a nurse (many degrees to choose from), pharmacist, or doctor.

another field with decent pay is accounting. the math is retard tier compared with engineering fields.

someone else mentioned the trades. those can be highly paid, but almost all will take a irreversible toll on your body in some way, plus there will always be the risk of a live leak type freak accident where you get flayed by some piece of industrial equipment, burn to death, or fall to your death.

go away

>Business, like accounting or finance.
no hope for most Any Forumstards, because most Any Forums users are autistic socially retarded with no friends irl

That's what everyone says.
Nobody ever does it. It's likely a more difficult profession to achieve than computer science career/degrees.
You have to basically go the other way around. You have to have a strong working knowledge and experience in diving, working underwater, working around ships and ports/docks or whatever it is your going to be "underwater welding" . You need to be an expert fabricator, maintainer of these structures.
Once again, If "underwater welder" is something you want go for it, but it's probably be easier just getting that computer science BA and learning python these days.

Also being an "underwater welder" you have to be ready to work long hours. Travel out of town to where the work is. Be away from your family a lot. Do longer than normal amount of hours in decompression chambers. Constant medical testing.
At least if you can work up to developing apps in python you can likely work from home or a comfy office filled with roasties to fuck. You won't be finding yourself surrounded by mermaids or some shit while out working on that ocean wind farm turbine.