Are you supposed to give your stay at home wife an allowance, give her 50/50 from your paycheck...

Are you supposed to give your stay at home wife an allowance, give her 50/50 from your paycheck, or give her your entire paycheck to budget?

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We share the budget completely.

My money is my money. She earns her own

>only an allowance if you set up cameras around the house and she cucks you
>50/50 after you've had a few kids
>entire paycheck if you're non-white

You must be an autist if you think you need to "give" your wife anything. Bitch needs to earn it everything

No allowance. If she wants something she asks and if it's appropriate then she can have the $ to purchase it

I pay her for sex so the sky's the limit, she can make as much as she wants

Both of us have a monthly allowance that we can use freely. It's the same amount.
Everything else is decided together or basically used for things we need like daily food in the fridge or gasolin.

its her job to do everything except earn the money.

she needs to create a budget and submit you a report including a way for you to easily verify the funds are where she says they are.

Never give a woman more money than you want her to spend. Budget the money for the things you intend her to buy and give her that. Its 2022, if she needs more money for a purchase she wants, she can talk it through with you on the phone or text and you can transfer money into an account.
If you want to give her a age/allowance for her personal digression, thats up to you.

I would 1. fuck her throat 2. cum all over her face and tits and then 3. Jam her mouth/throat back down on my dick to suck me dry, if you know what I mean.

This, I have an awkward tomboy anime-loving NEET gamer gf, she doesn't ask for anything except redbulls and has already given me a child. Occasionally she'll ask for a new switch game or something. I work from home and we spend all day together with our son. It's a pretty based life.

Boomer thread of the century. You're not meant to give your wife shit. If she wants something then she can ask you for it, how is that so difficult to understand? That's how every single culture throughout all of human history has worked plus how 2/3rds of the planet still works today and they've all produced longer lasting marriages than you retards. Holy fucking kek

I have a non-working tradwife. She has a debit card but has to clear any spending over $100 with me.

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Give some money apart of the costs.
If you behave like a jew, she will kick you out.
It's a fact.

No not really. A lot of cultures especially in Medieval European times had the wives take the entire earnings and budget it.

Medieval Europe also didnt have access to so much consumer shit to buy.

My wife is a judge
I manage our farm.
I am pimp master

Direct deposit 75% of your salary into a joint access account, and the rest into a private account the bitch doesn't know about.


Yea it did. Many women during that time were obsessed with clothiers and pottery.

ye and he has your babies its quite simple

The biological role of males in human society, is basically cannon fodder. We're supposed to impregnate, hunt dangerous animals, and protect against predators. If you blast load in 15 seconds at age 14, and then immediately die fighting an elk, you have pretty much served your purpose as a man

Imagine giving that girl a complete paycheck


Have her make an onlyfans and give you 50% of the earnings

I pay my wife about $200 a day to stay home. With that she has to feed, clothe our family of five, and pay the utilities. She keeps whatever she has left, which is a lot. I'm in charge of saving and investing.

50% for each tit if I can suck on them every night

Assuming she is an intelligent woman, and that she is truly fulfilling the role of managing the home it makes sense for her to budget the entire paycheck, as she will be more familiar with the daily expenses of the home. If she's not truly managing the home, she should be working anyway. And if she's not intelligent, you she shouldn't be your wife at all. Leaving the day to day management of the family finances with her in no way diminishes the man's role as the head of the household, and does not prevent him from vetoing or amending the budget as needed, or prevent the two of them from discussing specific expenditures in partnership.

Additionally, wives who manage the home are only necessary once children become involved, so if your wife is choosing not to work just because you're willing to support her, without becoming the mother of your children, then she's not really your wife but just an expensive prostitute, and the above suggestions go out the window. Letting her budget your paycheck is only proper when it stops being your paycheck and starts being the FAMILY'S paycheck, and this can't legitimately occur until the two of you are supporting dependent children.

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you create a position inside your/one company where she can do what she wants to do, be it finance or bringing around cupcakes, or both
cupcakes with quarter earnings in glazing

Usually, nothing, unless she actually needs it for some reason. Otherwise, if she wants something, she can ask.

>Are you supposed to give your stay at home wife an allowance
An allowance. I budget nearly everything else ($250/wk groceries, you can spend $100 on new bras, etc). She literally sucks my dick whenever I give her a $20 bill or so for her to "just have"

I got life figured out, imagine putting up with an uppity bitch when its supposed to be (You) that is master of the household

>be me
>gf pays me $800/mo to live in my house
>her name isn't on the house either

still not worth living with a woman but at least i'm gettin paid

She has her own debit card with access to your account. She isn't a child, she can be trusted to make purchases.

If your woman can't be trusted, you have deeper issues in your relationship.

>I'm in charge of saving and investing.

slightly amending my blogpost in response to the above user. Yes, this is a good idea. Let her budget the paycheck AFTER long term savings and investments are handled. Most women will not do that well, even the intelligent and devoted mother of your children.

the fuck are you hallucinating 250$/w groceries from nigger, and give me your dealers number

In the old days you could just give her the money and let her do the gay budgeting shit

Now if you do that...

She uses my paycheck for thr mortgage and utilities and any other necessities, then asks if she can have something for whatever (nails, hair, new clothes, Extra stuff for our daughter). My pension is 100% mine and I spend it on my car, some food and on my hobbies. We live comfortably off my paycheck alone so having my pension for dumb shit for me is great. Ill also buy her flowers and shit with my money sometimes to make sure she's happy.

Performance based amount.

Trust has nothing to do with it. The wife has her duties and the husband has his and financial decisions isn't in the wife's duties. If she has a problem with that, she has deeper issues and wouldn't make for a good wife

Nice rack that will only get YUGE with ageā€¦