How can we reduce stress for Qtards?

Authors of a new paper suggest that stress is leading to conspiratorial thinking and belief in things like QAnon.

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>current year
>muh Q
It just feels lazy at this point.

I'm actually amazed to see a leftist outlet actually acknowledge that socioeconomic factors are the cause of this shit instead of
>right wing = whitey = evil

>Welfare to keep the cattle complacent

What the fuck is a "social safety net" and why does it sound gay?


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>What the fuck is a "social safety net"
>and why does it sound gay?
because it is gay

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legalize prostitution

just means if you find yourself laid off, disabled, very sick, etc. that you can still get by and live decent until things get better

Okay, where's my mandated social safety net? I have some conspiracies to tell them about.


>you can still get by and live decent until things get better
So it's for people so abrasive and self-centered that their own family would rather see them starving living on the side of the road than help them?
Maybe don't piss off every person you ever meet every time you see them. I'd rather they suffer and will continue to advocate against your retarded safety net.

explains why the left think homosexuality and transgenderism is comletely normal and acceptable

>We should give all the anons a payment for their mental anguish.

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State-mandated gfs?

If you killed all the jews I wouldnt be stressed out.
Also qtards are controlled opposition

>we should print more money

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How about the elites stop the kid fucking then ill stop thinking they are all evil and deranged and focus on my own life instesd of being pissed off at the situation im in having to pay taxes to these cunts.

Actually Jewish criminality is just becoming more readily apparent.

The paper calls for a universal basic income.

I'm rich and have more theories than 3 men

this is worse though, because they'll push for the implementation of drugs to induce that perception of "social safety."

conspiracy theorists, the hardcore ones...they operate out of a lack of trust which they feel is warranted. they've been made fools of around almost every corner, with the logical theories keeping them afloat in that world. if they could calm the fuck down, stop acting like drowning victims that are in a panic who are dragging their attempted savior to the depths with them (going crazy and off the deep end with their shit)...if they could get a grip and shift their focus to issues that hit closer to home, maybe the people can turn the tide and pursue more logical routes.

liberals are fucking retarded, they're all posture. their leaders are all failed lawyers and kids who loved debate class. you can educate yourself, collect yourself, and beat them at their own game. they're all liars and narcissistic psychopaths. they're only in power because no men, actual men, has checked them on their bullshit. goes for both sides of the political spectrum.

>So it's for people so abrasive and self-centered that their own family would rather see them starving living on the side of the road than help them?
Some people legit don't have much if any family to turn too.
Your question is also framed in a way there it can't be the case where the family is the assholes and some would rather starve or depend on the state than interact with their immediate family, it could be why someone chose to not live with the family anymore in the first place.