Think I've Actually Heard this Leave Somebody's Mouth

Think I've Actually Heard this Leave Somebody's Mouth

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What's wrong with pragmatism?

They can't think. Maybe the aspartame gum turns them leftist.

Jews aren't worth todays gas prices

Who are the "Jews" in the current sense of her analogy?


Context on that tweet?

>I know the future



Maybe she has long term TDS and thinks
>trump = hitler
>kike = niggers
And didn't somehow thinks negroes were mistreated by him? Hard to know without seeing what she's responding too.

bet they did that on purpose

i don't think her logic went past
>trump = hitler

I don't care about the economy or tax rates at all. Who told you that I did?
I just want to kill niggers and kikes and politicians and journalists and university professors, bro.

I hate jews and Hitler did miracles for the German economy.

>"I don't hate jews, not one bit"
>that's what you sound like
Is she even listening to me???

Jews were universally hated for their entire history until hating jews was made universally illegal after ww2

>either suffer poverty or don't
Hmmm hard choice

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Hitler wasn't elected though, just like Joe Biden. Cope 'n' seethe, niglet.

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Are you retarded? He was most certainly elected by the people. But he did did things while in power that solidified his rule indefinitely like the Reichstag fire (their January 6th). And passing the new NDAA here in the states.

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It's easier to believe when that German needs to use a wheelbarrow to carry all his cash to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread to feed his starving family (the daughter and wife are prostituting themselves btw) and wants his kids to have a future