We can't charge those boys with murder. That would be RACIST!


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Niggers are my country’s Gods

the quadroon who was beaten to death was listening to rap music. he was basically a nigger. this isnt the white mans battle. this is barack obamas battle as a half nig who only gets 1 extra dice roll for looting as opposed to the 4 of a pure line nig

>We are a beautifully multi-cultural family with white, African American, and Filipino family members who share the vision of strength by coming together rather than pulling apart everything we hold dear at the seams. Rather than become bitter, we are choosing to fall back on our faith.

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Nigger worship is used as a weapon to demoralize and destroy America and any developed nation on the planet. Anywhere there are successful people in the world there are Jews seeking to subvert the nation by instilling a culture of nigger worship. The Jewish reptilian brain forces them to destroy all that is good in order to rule over the ashes because Jews don't care about prosperity for all and peace. All they really want is to make everyone miserable.

Hitler was right all along and ironically a Jew himself.

They were in a murder friendly state. Too bad they were not in one of the several lynching friendly states. Yes, still on the books.

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Jews make sure blacks are never held equally accountable.
Would white be allowed to loot & riot like our 'pet niggers'?
No way.
Just another 'tool' to keep racial division stirred up.

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>Devastated and disgusted
Yet he won't do what needs to be done. Cucks like him are the ones who let it get this far.

If the father was a real man, he'd shoot them himself.

NJP was right. The system is protecting violent niggers, and Ohio Republicans are too cowardly/anti-white to speak out.

If the father doesn't solve the problem himself then he is a failure and is undeserving of sympathy. You fix your problems not waiting on some savior to come fix your problems.


I would be devastated also then i would get my rifle and go kill all of them and their families.

>“Our office presented the facts of the case and the facts of the case added additional information than what is generally known by the public, and we believe those facts impacted the decision of the grand jury,” Gessner said.
Inb4 “he said the n-word”

>raise a white child in America
>act surprised when they get killed or impregnated by niggers
American "whites" are truly hopeless retards.

Attached: americans_ravens.png (911x609, 485.04K)

>immediately dismissed hate crime charges
this was an act of loving brutality gifted to this young man who had the gall to perish and threaten the future of these future scientists and doctors

If the father killed those niggers that killed his son, there wouldn't be a jury in the world that would convict him.

america worships niggers as gods

welcome to Bolshevik America

>“Our office presented the facts of the case and the facts of the case added additional information than what is generally known by the public, and we believe those facts impacted the decision of the grand jury,” Gessner said.

lol i bet the niggers lied and said dead kid uttered the n word

>say the n-word while surrounded by black people
>get beat up

not excusing the violence but come on what did he expect

good. The black gentlemen can be released to culturally enrich more whites