Nothing Jewish existed prior to arrival of Romans

Jews occurred as a reaction to the new Roman concept of Rule of Law, to "game" that system as continues to this day. ALL current Govts are descended from Roman. Prior to Romans everyone was Canaanite, which was a real culture that left behind real pottery, statues of their gods, and recorded by other cultures.

Also, nothing Christian exists prior to about 1000AD. Everything claimed is handful of dubious "stretched" artifacts. No evidence Romans crucified anyone, much less thousands along roads for miles when putting down slave revolts. All their is is one child's graffiti of a guy with horse's head on a stand and one Roman grave with a nail through one ankle bone. There are a few "fragments" claimed prior to 1000AD claimed to be New Testament but:
1)most haven't been Carbon-14 dated. OK, they have been dated but results have been kept secret, for obvious reasons. Its POSSIBLE later dating is caused by contamination. Parchment from 400AD gets cleaned or conditioned with tallow from 1500AD, etc.
2)Was the WRITING dated or was it put on old paper later?
3)Does in come from New Testament or is it parable/tale later post 1000AD to construct NT?

THEN, after 1000AD we get scads of clearly "Jesus on the Cross" paintings, statues, stained glass, etc and full New Testaments.

Since Jesus is mentioned more than Mohammad in Koran that means Islam didn't exist prior to 1000AD and archeology on that also checks out. Some Muslim buildings pre-date 1000AD but everything Islamic was "remodeled later" after 1000AD.

Note much of this is exact match to The Holocaust(tm). "Most documented" always ends up being created out of whole cloth much after the fact mostly by people who were never there, history books from history books circle jerk.

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Other urls found in this thread:


no it isn't

(((Christianity)))) destroyed Rome.
It was then forced shoved down Polytheists throats. Convert or Die. Christianity attempted to destroy Norse religion but failed. All the books were burned, yet traditions survived through oral teaching. Jews fail at everything, even intentionally destroying bahhaha

it is.
and also youre a fagot

Attached: Ishtar6666.png (1482x562, 326.82K)

>>nothing christian exists prior to 1000ad

That's simply flat out wrong. You meant to say there are no primary written paper sources prior to 1000ad, which is irrelevant since writing on stone exists.

Mandean texts are contemporary with the events described within the NT but describe those events from John the Baptist's perspective.

I came to the conclusion many years ago that everything is a lie or at least a cleverly worded misdirection. I am even beginning to doubt things that are claimed in my own life let alone 2200 years ago.

also, Buddha and/or Confucius also don't seem to exist until much much after they were supposedly famous, any ref to them is conspicuously missing from all the fairly complete records of Chinese govts.

Cross, especially as seen prior to 1000AD is one of the most common memes of The West from both Sumeria and Egypt.

Egyptian religion was considered superior by both Greeks and Romans, and Horus myth and Life cross would be a natural to be brought into N Europe with Romans.

I've found I can quickly determine if a painting of say Charlemagne was done during his lifetime (pre-1000AD) or after 1000AD from if there are any clearly Christian memes.

Attached: 1591895903431.jpg (300x360, 24.06K)


This is exactly WTF I'm talking about. Its a VERY general "No Trespassing, No Grave Robbing" message. Nothing about Jesus or even rabble rousers or anything.

And why would Romans be writing in Greek to protect the grave of a common criminal in MARBLE.

I'm thinking Jesus was started by an underground cabal of Jewish "tax farmers" and sold to European warlords, as the last vestiges of Roman Law and Order faded, as a way to insure that as a group the warlords would remain in power and form a sort of Mafia with The Church as a super-govt to resolve disputes and were wars would be stage managed. Naturally, the real enemy is anyone not going along with The Program.

Jacob was a mama's boy who swindled his own brother out of an inheritance.

Joseph was a famine profiteer who enriched his own family through his privileged position in the Egyptian government.

Samuel put low IQ Saul on the throne so the priesthood could retain power by manipulating him.


What about the John Allegro Dead Sea Scrolls translations? I don't remember the exact date they are attributed to but it was at least 2000 years I believe.


I'm going with theory that The Cross was hijacked to dupe the peasants who'd maybe seen it on buildings etc on their few trips to be the town, and knew it was sorta important so were primed to hear a story (that made them into New Slaves).

AFAIK 90% of DSS haven't been made public, and sorry but not gonna take word of Jews in Israel they passed any Carbon-14 exam.

The Church allowed SKEPTICS to C-14 the Shroud of Turin, because The Church was interested in Truth.

What would DSS be if fake? All the scholarship would be to the level of Hebrew known prior to their discovery, and DSS would strangely not contain any scholarship/writing skills discovered after their discovery.

Egyptian glyphs were well known and sent around the world for 100s of years but no one could translate them. Then the Rosetta Stone was used to break the code. But everyone had the glyphs PRIOR to anyone knowing the language.

This post denotes the assumption that jews are bad. I do not concur. Most jews are regular business people and are pretty. Jews are just pharisees. This is a religious Christian holy war to destroy non Christian Whites who betrayed Christ. They are judas

Attached: A Christian warrior chief .jpg (646x395, 55.27K)

Christianty started at the last supper when Christ gave instructions for mass. Matthew 26-26-28
We have proof daily at church when we consume the Lord through the blessed bread

Attached: Blessed sacraments are Christ's instructions .jpg (720x892, 166.81K)

You're both retarded and factually wrong.

12 guys around a table with a leader was common pagan Zodiac meme.

Only after 1000AD did the memes include Last Supper player hints. Prior to that they were all Zodiac character hints.

I don't think you understand what the word "proof" means unless someone is lacing the bread with LSD.

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Romans didn't hate jesus. Also, greek was an extremely common language.

>100s of years but no one could translate them.
dead sea scrolls are written in ktav ashurit most isralis could read them

meanwhile, back in Mexico, without metal tools, beasts of burden, written language, sea going boats, etc....

clearly a well recorded religion/social structure and so many stone temple we are still finding them in jungles to this day with countless distinct religious artifacts.

then you gonna tell me that in post-ROMAN Europe no one did anything related to Jesus from 400AD to 1000AD?

but what about the inscription relates to Jesus in anyway?

I'd bet that was Boiler Plate language and could be found across Roman Empire at graves.

Pagans fear Christ and those loyal to him

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Proof of Christ comes when the priest casts out demons in Jesus name during exorcism. You can't fool me. I'm Roman Catholic, we have proof

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>Also, nothing Christian exists prior to about 1000AD

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Only 11 made it

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Jesus saved Rome from being gay and pagan

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