The war against psychopathy

Before you call me communist I want to clarify I'm not, I'm more of an anarchist, if that's even possible. I'm against concentration of wealth and power, and both communism and capitalism lead to it. What is a solution to psychopathic capitalism though? is basically the perfect system for psychopaths, it promotes psychopathy, and the most psychopathic you are, the better results you get. But, is it possible a system that defends itself from psychopaths? Most people isn't psychopath. The current state of the world we live in is basically that, a world run and ruled by psychopathy. We're waging a war against that evil condition of humanity. How do we fight it? Everything wrong in the current times is because of that.

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Wait a minute Ted bundy is an absolute legend. Without guys like him to put the fear of God into bitches you end up with blue haired feminists. We need more people like Ted and those bitches all had it coming anyway

psychopaths are low iq low emotional intelligence lol who cares
literal beta disease

>most psychopathic you are, the better results you get
people like this don't actually usually do well in this kind of system, maybe at first yeah but they can seriously fuck themselves over with their inherent retardation.

Psychopathy is just the break down of human emotions, those with it just dont care about the things that make us Humans. They become closer to animals in nature. This is in a way a natural state of humans, but without the constructive nature of emotions leading to innovation. Why psychopaths succeed is the fact that they dont care about the emotional ramifications of deception and manipulation. Due to this, the average human doesn't get the read on these manipulations because they are used to the base line. No system on this planet is performed better by average humans. Honestly the only possible way to fix this kind of issue is to inform and teach people on how to notice themselves being manipulated.
But you know, its kinda fucking hard to teach retards how to notice the signs as they dont want to see em

You are probably a jewish sociopath or worse.

>What is a solution to psychopathic capitalism though?
Killing psychopaths and sociopaths.

> is basically the perfect system for psychopaths, it promotes psychopathy, and the most psychopathic you are, the better results you get.
No, that would be the KANGZ stuff they are always trying to being back.

> But, is it possible a system that defends itself from psychopaths?
Yes, it's extremely complex and that's the reason it almost never works.

> Most people isn't psychopath. The current state of the world we live in is basically that, a world run and ruled by psychopathy.
It was always like that.

> We're waging a war against that evil condition of humanity. How do we fight it?
Identifying them, learning about their M.O. and origins, killing them, rethinking everything to improve "nigger-proofing", ...

> Everything wrong in the current times is because of that.
Nah, it's the stupid normies who caused all of this, those homosexuals are useless by themselves.

I'm reading, the most dangerous superstition. Is that sort of what you believe?

You have no idea how many real smart psychos never get caught

I think you're thinking of sociopathy. Those fuckers are awful and come off as bizzare, Psychopathy has alot of traits and markers associated with ceos and executives. AKA (((them)))

We have taxes over pollution, but not over human toxicity.

Nah, it's real and triggers (((you))) a lot for obvious reasons.
A lot is known about it, genetics, neurology, sociological and historical influence, ... it's just a forbidden subject.

You are pussies and relying on giant support networks and the insane stupidity of normies.

They are very similar, one is more nigger-like and the other is more jew-like.

Aptly put my monkey friend. You are completely correct.

Almost every poster here is one of those people and it shows.

>a world run and ruled by psychopathy
one of the somewhat "out there" theories is that the world is in one big fight between the schizos (good guys) and psychos (terrible subhumans)

As for anarchists, they are traitors to every government, as it should be if they are true to their cause. As an anarchist who is not standing for only for death and destruction, you should be aware that any kind of such society is nearly impossible to organise nowadays because it would immediately get invaded by any kind of powerful entity closest to it. Either by force or the corruption of prominent members of this society. So if you truly want to live in such an environment your best bet is joining some kind of a jungle commune of white mud hut building hipsters.

>There is a war against psychopathy
>I'm a anarchist.

You absolute baffoon, you claim the other jewish ideology is a lesser evil than another.

Your ideology is basically a apathic tool just to destroy shit that other people made. How much a of a psychopathy is that.

>We are waging a war against that evil condition of humanity.

Nigger you are human, Either you going to love your family and nation or tribe or you just kill yourself.

You could, understand that tone in text is not always easily interpreted. I am really reading that book. Just learning about the basics of it, non-aggression principle.

All the psychos go into government.

In private life, the best way to stop psychopaths is to confront them directly and call them out.

Unfortunately they tend to surround themselves with other dark triad people and once embedded into a corrupt organisation they're impossible to prune.

The only solution is to have an effective media and aware citizens along with means of getting rid of bad apples. Sadly the average IQ and morals are so low that this isn't possible anymore.

Thanks monkey brazilian.

>Yes, it's extremely complex and that's the reason it almost never works.

National Socialism, either you are loving your family/nation/tribe or you don't. how do we deal with such evil fucks. We force them to sit on a electric chair.

>people like this don't actually usually do well in this kind of system
you're a fucking brainlet, everything is about 'benefits', benefits no matter what, no matter how much you exploit someone, or the environment, this only can be achieved by psychopaths.

>We're waging a war against that evil condition of humanity

Then why are you literally in favor of a ideology that destroys communities and cultures, Because people are group animals. Groups that exists of people with a common origin.

Thats why we "evil nazis" say.
>family is the nation, nation is the family.

You won't hurt one of your family or do you? If so then you should not have any influence or contact with the nation because you are a threat to our well being.

Anyway, I don't agree with you, blaming it all on psychopaths. It's either a lack of personal responsibility on many people, or it's just fate.
The real connections you can make, between the most common suffering and a source is that the human form removed from it's true environment; socially, physically.

Nah, that's part of the nonsense (((you))) spam all the time.

I'm used to replies from jews and other effeminate people complaining about what I post, so most of my quick replies are defensive.

There are many books about it, the only one that is easy to remember and I always post here is "Political Ponerology", but there are others.

Infinite gibs, lots of power and attention, ... it attracts homos.

The only way in private life is "no contact" whenever possible, if triggered they will escalate their faggy tricks a lot.
Normies are stupid and also assist them unconditionally.

Nigger. first time i'm agreeing with a anarchist. thats new.

Just change the blame of evils in society to a weak social structure and no common identity in a people.

This leads to others influecing the nation and psychopaths rising to power. Most likely them being a puppot of a forgein power because they do not care about their fellow kin..

Gay seeking narc supply again.

You always dindu nuffins, that's part of the mental illness too.

do you sometimes realize that every day you will wake up as a literal bugman mongreloid in a shithole with absolutely no future, and that literally everything that has passed through your deformed head since the moment you were born, is worthless, NObody would give even one fuck if you never talked again - youre a fuckmong

Off-topic homosexuality is also another usual reaction in those threads, besides bati for emotional gibs, concern trolling, faggy mind games, ...

This is usual too.

It's not psychopaths only, you think psychopaths are a big part of the world system???

Most likely all corrupt politicians and lobbyist are either opportunists, Jew lovers or brainwashed in believing in their "democracy". The person who can suck most chinese cocks and jewish cocks are most likely psychopaths.

psychopath are functional retards
they’re spiritually retarded

I hate homosexuals. They should get therapy or something.

The Beaver is wiser than all of you!

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>I'm against concentration of wealth and power
Wealth and power of others shouldn't bother you as long as you're allowed to accumulate your own wealth and power.
By denying others to concentrate wealth and power you only reduce the overall ammount of wealth and power in this world.

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This. Psychopaths are not powerful, actually not even joking. they are most likely either anarchist or losers.

This is because people know there is something off about them. This is why psychopaths mostly get ditched by everyone.

The idea of advanced manipulator is delusional. it's most likely a group of people who can actually accomplish something like political corruption, hedge funds.

They are mostly forgein groups rather than internal.

>What is a solution to psychopathic capitalism though?

This is so easy it hurts. The answer to psychopathic capitalism is the total destruction of communism. You don't have to understand why. You just have to accept it.

Wait till we can tell him about the jews.

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Do you know who all these ruthless capitalist are, last name says it all. Go to wikipedia(english), look up every fucking rich banker and person in government. Especially when the name ends with stein and berg.

It is not exclusively psychopaths its broad range "mental health" zeitgeists on what is considered human and therefore normal. Psychology and its mediocre followers are the best indicator to the drug ridden midwit.

You want a saint to rule over you?

>Unfortunately they tend to surround themselves with other dark triad people and once embedded into a corrupt organisation they're impossible to prune.
Retard. Psychopath don't like (((Groups))).

Psychopaths are not even 1% of society and always beaten the shit out off. it's a disorder. with a disorder it means you cannot survive in a world like this. they may be ruthless, but they are very dumb.

Psychopathy and sociopathy is just a sign of low emotions which means low intellegence.

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