Should I move to USA

Given the current situation? I’ve always wanted to live in the US in some remote area where I can live the dream.

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But with the Biden administration and all of the blacks, I am put off. I’ve been eyeing North Dakota or New Hampshire. Any recommendations.

France has country areas to live in right?

>France has country areas to live in right?
I live in one currently rural Normandy

what answer are you looking for
imagine france but with indentured servitude
everyone is a slave in the united states
and once youre there, you may never leave


It's a genuine shithole and much further below every other developed nation. The only value this country has is its nature and open land. If you want to buy some land in bumfuck nowhere, build it up yourself, and either live off the grid or work as a farmer, then you can do that here a bit easier than other places. If you're an average human being though, stay away. You'll regret it.

Yes but they have truly wild regions that size countries in the EU. I want to be apart of that, somewhere I can just do my stuff without annoyances.

>If you want to buy some land in bumfuck nowhere, build it up yourself, and either live off the grid or work as a farmer, then you can do that here a bit easier than other places. If you're an average human being though, stay away. You'll regret it.
That’s the thing, I was raised rural my friend. Lived always in the countryside and helped farmers all my life.

So you're crazy.
Got it.

nigger go look at the tax rates of european countries vs. center states in the US.

I used to make double working 4 days in a tech/smoke shop than working in germany for 5-6 days and giving half my paycheck to rapeugee afri-niggers.

The fuck are you even talking about retard.

Not really just don’t associate with urban dwellers never have

What dream? You want to be surrounded by retards and migrants? That statement almost feels redundant. The good people are gone. It's a desert, even if it doesn't appear that way.

>What dream? You want to be surrounded by retards and migrants?
What country do you think I live in kek? Well maybe where I live I don’t see alot but they’re not far enough. You have some areas that are have so low density that people can’t be seen for hundreds of miles.i want that.

You wouldn't like it here.

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Not for the burger but this meatloaf concept is highly interesting. What even is it and what does it taste like?

OP If you want to live in USA try to move to Redding, California it get nice weather all year round and have 95% white living there.

It tastes like a burger without cheese.
It's beef mixed with breading with tomato sauce.
You do the math.

Fuck off we're full.

the US is a shithole and the people that live there are basically lab rats for countless experiments

>Fuck off we're full.
Of niggers

>North Dakota

You don't want to live in the great plains.

It's literally just flat land cut up into cubes like this

Move to either the Rocky mountains or Appalachian mountains if you want rural.

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Is that why you wanna go there?

the dream is over
it turned into a nightmare

t. ?

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Depends if you are rich or not. If you are a big time coder or own your own freelance studio it wouldn't be the worse decision of your life, but if you aren't upper class don't do it.

also, move to the Fairbanks, Alaska area...

Why move from France to US and how?

I thought a fire took it out

only alaska is like that really. the lower 48 is overpopulated. it's the best state regardless though, but you can't be a pussy out there. the northwest of this continent is literal uncharted territory.

You're not, you could house the entire world population with how much space you have over there. I like a lot of stuff about the US but your cities fucking suck though, the zoning is CRIMINAL. In Europe we often have mixed zones so it feels more like a live city but you guys have SimCity cities where everything is strictly partitioned into Residential, Commerical and Industrial zones. I'm not saying go full YIMBY but for fuck's sake the cities in the US are absolutely soulless and you don't understand why if you've never been outside the US. This would also probably help fix the issue of having 100 trillion people compete to live in San Francisco/New York/[Insert trendy city here] and having the prices soar up so much

what makes you think you'd get in?
your only chances are if you're african or some form of poo