The mark of the beast

The mark of the beast

Attached: 2022_Russian_Invasion_vehicle_marking_Z.svg.png (1200x1200, 9.7K)

Mark of the based

Mark of the best

You will burn in hell and the lord wont care that you were "just memeing bro"

Well, the beast in Russian is Звepь (Zver'), but other than that it doesn't seem to match the description.

The mark of the beast

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Didnt even know that, one more proof

>pandesian hiding the mark of the butthurt flag


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Mark of the (/b)East

The mark of the beast

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Mark of the beast is the vax you tard. Oh, wait, are you a vaxxie? Lol

The beast

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And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Literally no

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The mark of Zion

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Woah…woah…you’re right…wow…

more like mark of the based

Russian daughter married to a hardcore zionost jew.

Hc jews only marry jews.

Can you put those two together?

Let's not forget the other side. They too are funded by Jews, and the Azov symbol is a pagan devil symbol.

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>Fuck the West,
>Russia is best
takes a latin letter

No one cares anymore faggot. kys

Honestly what does this stand for? zion? zionism?

Mark of the winning.

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That is the letter Z. It is the 26th letter of the English alphabet. In no way is a letter a mark of the beast.

Mark of the beast is the star of remphan better known as the Star of David.
6 sides, 6 triangles, 2 equilateral triangles. Etc…


because the president of ukraine is a white saxon from the UK (uk a country with a lot of negroids and arabs like londo mayor

Z stands for ZOG bot.

Shut your nigger monkey mouth, i didn't ask for your opinion huenigger. I hate Brazilian shitskins so much it's unreal.

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Lgbt faggot seethe
Russian Mongol beast vs rainbow yurop nigger its best war in this century

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Zogbots are out in full force today shilling for another banker war
No false flag is gonna get me on board with that

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