Why does stuff like this never happen in Europe?

Why does stuff like this never happen in Europe?

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>we did everything we were told
no one told her to get cancer
what a stupid bitch
yet again proof that street smarts > book smarts

No circumcision.

Because people just flat out die waiting in line before receiving treatment in Europe.

Americans, by and large, voted for this. They could have Bernie Sanders, an actual socialist. They made the conscious and informed decision not to.
Americans would rather convert the entire USA to a giant company town than to admit that Socialism is the solution, always was the solution, forever will be the solution, and never failed.

>Why does stuff like this never happen in Europe?
Cause they let them die

My husband had cancer and it’s cost us practically nothing because we have insurance. We’re not even that wealthy. Just get a blue cross plan it’s not hard.

Gayest pinko comment I've ever read

Just don't pay lol. It works for everyone else.

>Decide to fight against entropy despite certainty of losing
>Surprised when bank account is empty
The US gives you rope to hang yourself rather than just hanging everyone else for rapefugies.

And here we have the average (80) IQ Drumpf voter, proudly stating what he thought were facts, oblivious to the actual truth of the issue at hand. It's always a cute sight to behold.

Also this. You can just not pay them and they won't send the cops. It just means you can't get any new loans and they might not treat you in the future.

There is no instance, throughout the entire human history, where communism or socialism DIDN'T work.
Not even for one second.

just wait until they get as many gimmigrants as we do

whatever helps you sleep at night faggot

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Communism is a culture movement with the goal of removing barriers to socializing everything.
STOP ACTING LIKE A RETARDED AMERICAN BOOMER AND CONFUSING THEM. Communism is essentially a blueprint for running over a nation and removing the elites. It's sold to the masses as a tool for ensuring self determination but always results in the opposite.

The Soviet union didnt work ya homo

Weak bait

People with cancer should honestly just die off. The cost of treating them is unfeasibly high, only to moderately delay the inevitable.
Look, I understand losing someone you love to cancer is fucking awful, but that money could've been used to help others who can actually be cured/saved. Same reason I also think those morbidly fat fucks should just be left to die off in their own fat rolls.

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You shouldn't ever go full retard, user.

Just wait till they get forced circumcisions, like you do? You mean?

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strange, my dad is going on 6 months of battling stage 4 kidney cancer and we haven't burned through our savings or refinanced our home. But then again my dad went to Yale and they offered him a real treatment not chemo lol.

IMO if they can pay for treatment they should be allowed to. They just shouldn't expect other people to pay for it since they're essentially a utility monster.

since the goal of communism is killing as many whites as possible, this is kind of true, it was always fulfilling its goal

I've had cancer and was treated for it. Took like 3 months and one surgery. Your ignorance is not something you should be proud of.

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Cope. Your counties are tiny compared to America it would never be an effective system here on that basis alone.

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You should've listened.

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>Why does stuff like this never happen in Europe?
People just die instead.

>America, fuck yeah! please give us money so we can torture our infant to please the jews!

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It's not the size, it's the niggers. As Europe niggerfies it will run into the exact same problems we have.

Sometimes its just easier to die?
Sounds like it was terminal and they were looking for a miracle.

>and that was with insurance
Maybe if you have a dogshit HMO. I have blue cross PPO plan and I dont pay for shit.

I guess that's fair, unless they're taking up equipment that is necessary for other high-demand uses.

I'm not talking about curable cancers obviously.

Should have put your property in trust, retard. At least one Boomer got fucked by the system he was a beneficiary of. Get fucked, nigger. Enjoy the cancer.


baby being born blind most commonly means the mother had chlamydia, Canadians don't know this?

Nice non sequitur. Really highlights how you have no actual refutation.

because Euros can't afford homes.

That's my mistake for taking your words at face value and assuming I was communicating with an adult. My apologies.
Obvioulsy once I pointed out how stupid you were being you all of a sudden didn't mean to be that stupid at all, obviously.

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>npc wage slave seething
kek i bet this person supported and enforced gov vax policies so fuck em

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Any treatment for any sickness is simply staving off inevitable death

This. I know people that had bills for a third of a million dollars and paid 5,000. Of course, those people worked real jobs.



I don't think any of you will respond well to this, and you have to understand this is coming from a place of nothing but love and respect for you guys, but truth is that it's because we're older and wiser than you; Europe is a much more mature group of civilisations than the US, and it'll be around long after your nation has collapsed under the weight of its own selfishness, ignorance, and greed

a Ventolin aerosol inhaler costs the NHS £1.50, and it's sold to the patient for something like £9.50 - in the US "Albuterol is available in pharmacies for as little as $30, while its brand-name versions (Ventolin and Proventil) cost about $74 per inhaler."
Orkambi is a drug used to treat people with cystic fibrosis, it costs $22,000 a month in the US, but in the UK, it's sold to the patient for something like £9.50

every time I buy a new inhaler, I'm paying for the other patients ridiculously priced medicine like Orkambi, or Zolgensma - £179,000,000 per one-off treatment, but something like £9.50 for the patient (noticing a pattern?)
and that's fine by me, because if my family or I ever need a ridiculously priced medicine, everybody in the country will help me afford it, because I helped everyone in the country afford theirs in their time of need

by not wanting to look after other people, and only taking care of your own needs, the emergent behaviours of reality serve to punish you for your own greed and selfishness

It's not a non sequitor. You want to know why you live in a dystopia? It's because you are kikeslave golems.
What did you want me to refute? You thinking america has "an effective system?" Your presidency was stolen in broad daylight and he immediatly gifted billions of dollars of high tech military equipment to your enemies.

You fucking sniptip moron.

>NOOOOOO you need to pay for my health

Pot, kettle, black.

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>Because people just flat out die waiting in line before receiving treatment in Europe.
Depends on the country, it's only like that in the lower half (see flag) that's being leeched from, the upper half that leeches is rich enough not to have this issue.

They don't have the money to lose to begin with

End subsidies for every major pharmaceutical company
And revoke every copyright they developed with us tax payer funds

Lol and you faggots probably think they're too big too take down
The main problem is this world is how many people are small fucking minded.
They're scared of you
Not the other way around and never forget it.

B-t-w kikes
I'm going to explain to anyone that will listen how to absolutely devastate evey industry you depend on for institutional power...

Just for the sport of it. You aren't a threat to anyone actual human on the planet. Lol you should have remembered your place eh?

OK, paki. Problem is that the system doesn't work in the UK since we have open borders immigration and are flooded with low iq niggers and pedo-worshippers.
For every inhaler you buy, you are funding some geriatric goat fuckers treatment. A man who has never paid taxes in his life, in this country, and never will. You're also paying for his translation service, because asking him to learn english would be racist. And his disability payments, since he cannot be expected to work, naturally.

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>ive literally never been to europe in my life
do yourself a favor, throw a dart at European map, go there for your major medical treatment, have a moment of edifying clarity, apologize, and then print out a copy of your comment and shove it up your ass. American healthcare is a fucking disaster, not because of quality of care, but because it bankrupts anyone who touches it.

Pot kettle black?
You think we have a problem with circumcision in the UK? By what basis do you make that charge?
Or are you unable to come up with any sort of refutaiton for the circumcision point? You REALLY don't want to talk about it, for some reason, sniptip...

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The reason why it happens is because retarded people follow orders from "experts" that know literally nothing about cancer, health, and the human body.
Cancer is a survival mechanism, meaning it will do what it needs to, then resolve once it has to.
Cut, burn, poison (the unholy Trinity of allopathy) does nothing but destroy the body as it's trying to heal, the most critical part of the process.
Look into German New Medicine for a start, then what you eat, drink, breathe.
Stupid fucking science bitches are baffled because they're dumb as dog shit.

Cancer isn't even a real "disorder". It's literally a fucking meme problem that is caused by your immune system not working or purposefully exposing yourself to carcinogens. Why might someone's immune system not work? Perhaps they're coating their insides with industrial seed oils and destroying their liver with corn syrup. Maybe they're a bug chasing degenerate. Maybe the jews blew up a bunch of buildings in the city they live in and the asbestos (which they said was safe originally) was stuffed up their nostrils for years afterwards. Perhaps you've been a "victim" of experimental gene therapy with known carcinogens?
Also cancer is cured in most cases by fasting. The only reason medical retard niggers think chemo works is because people become so sick that they stop eating, and this fasted state promotes the autophagy needed to destroy the cancer cells.
>Imagine going some retard faggot 500k in debt to cure your cancer and all he does is gives you poison that makes you even sicker
>and in the process you become even more in debt than he is
lol, lmao even

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I mean their wife survived, no clue why their insurance company wasn't able to pay the whole thing. Unless they specifically paid for addition experimental treatment not covered by insurance

A married couple should have more than $17,000 after 20 years of saving

>kikeslave golems.
Sir, you have a TV license. You are in absolutely no place to say anyone else lives in a dystopia. You’re a bootyboy for achmed. The EU owns your ass.

You do realize not everyone in America is circumcised or practices circumcision right? You keep leaning into that like it’s all you have or something.

>the US Healthcare system bankrupted me

No some fucking weird cancer your wife got bankrupted you. Do you have the right to live to 95 or something? I'm confused

Yet another bullshit post with no details. Insurance pays everything after the deductible.
>oh but they didn't have insurance
Well that's their problem. In the US it's not hard to get subsidized ACA insurance, employer insurance, medicare, medicaid, or just don't pay the fucken bill like the transients do

SeeGot anything else?

must be nice to just casually acknowledge your partner is alive. If he wanted his retirement savings more, he could have let her die

He's a kike
Thinking about dick is like literally one of the only things his coconut brain can handle

the problem you're describing is one of unchecked mass immigration; nothing to do with the NHS by itself
you're accidentally conflating the two, you see, because you're a simpleton
the system I describe would still work to the effect I describe even if we cut off "free at the point of use" to immigrants and healthcare tourists

I was asked, by a pharmacist, if I wanted to buy a cheaper alternative for the medication that was on my prescription, or pay the prescription price. I went ape shit and explained how that was a dishonourable tactic and how they should be supplying the cheaper alternative via consultation with the doctor and still charging prescription price.

Two things can be true at the same time, problems in the UK don't stop the JewSA being being a failed banana state designed to have you milked by kikes.

If you're poor in America, it's because you are a retard with bad genetics. As such, you don't deserve medical care. Making healthcare prohibitively expensive for poor retards is our version of a eugenics program.

imagine falling for the cancer jew

Tbf this only started happening since covid. I can only speak for the UK though.

This. Here in Leafland, people are going to Florida to get cancer treatment. People have to pay one way or the other.

Same reason a copy of windows OS costs $120 in the US and $5 in India. The primary customer (Americans) pays a premium and that funds the next generation of R&D. Then they sell to the rest of the world for a pittance because they'd lose more money not being in that market.

Americans used to be able to afford it, but globalization has dropped American standard of living substantially. Meanwhile medical care isn't globalized (yet) so yuropoors can have their cake and eat it too. for now. We need to globalize medical care so Americans can bid on cheap medicine from abroad. Problem is everyone would buy from "illegal" third parties who reverse engineer medicine like China and India. This would cause medical companies to go out of business, leading to almost zero innovation in medical.

>oy vey so strange goyim, your cancer that you totally had before seems to stop spreading since the last time I saw you and I told you that you had 2 weeks to live :)

The Bank of Venezuela just raised their prime interest rate again. It's at 60% now.

>Be plebbit
>Have shitty opinion on something
>No real experience or verifiable anecdotes to push your position
>Make up fake and gay stories on plebbit to Garner support for your cause
Why is plebbit like this?

what treatment does he get instead of poison

>y-yeah we’re a dystopian shithole too so what?
So worry about your own country. We never think about you yet you are always without fail utterly OBSESSED with us. That’s embarrassing desu. Maybe save that energy for the United Kikedom.

It's fucking insurance agencies, bureaucrats, and hospital managers. These fucks just suck the money out of you because they control who does and does not get to be a doctor.

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Not my fault if you are too proud to utilize the abundantly generous bankruptcy laws. That asshat could have kept the vast majority of his money.

>Why does stuff like this never happen in Europe?
Because in Europe they just die.

>There is no instance, throughout the entire human history, where communism or socialism DIDN'T work.