>Oh yeah? Well if you're so smart, let's hear your plan to fix the economy, you dumb son of a bitch!

How do you respond?

Attached: angry joe.jpg (1600x900, 218.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


niggers tongue my anus

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Nationalize the economy, and give out state issued GFs.

Attached: chad3.png (1080x1128, 852.74K)

30% interest
Defund all government programs by 50%
Stop all money printing
Stop all foreign aid
Deport all aliens and niggers
That's my day 1 plan

trump lost

Attached: 1648109150591.jpg (225x225, 11.31K)

The time has come to seriously discuss how we will seize the assets and estates of everyone that voter for or support giving money to Ukraine and what will be done with them in captivity.

Yes, I will do it. Only a retard would do worse on on par with the current illegitimate administration.



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Tax the Jews an extra 30% of their income and force them to wear funny hats

Attached: giga mirror.png (853x1000, 521.53K)

>How do you respond?
My butt’s been wiped!

Sart producing locally, you retarded globalist cum rag

Attached: 1588038792673.jpg (1440x960, 177.05K)

>Oh yeah, Jack? Well if you're so smart, let's hear your plan to fix the economy, you dumb son of a bitch!

The economy is actually doing great, chudcel: /r/politics told me so.

Attached: Inflation_Femoid.jpg (500x775, 329.11K)

user 4 Prez!

Seize the assets of (((corrupt criminal investment groups))).
Cancel welfare for anyone who hasn't earned it by paying taxes during working life.
New currency based on actual economic productivity.
Cut taxes.
Cancel all foreign aid.
Withdraw all military forces from countries that depend on US defence unless they pay the costs.
Deport all illegals; ruthless enforcement of border control.
Treat lobbying as what it is; bribery and corruption.
Promote (i.e. deregulate) exploitation of US natural resources.
All crime-ridden ghettos to be walled in and completely deregulated as autonomous zones; this will be known as the 'Wakanda Initiative' just to rub it in.
Alas, I'm not mutt-born and not eligible for the presidency.

Attached: Pepe Reading.jpg (474x400, 24.37K)

Disband the federal standing army
Implement high tarrifs.
Get rid off special stock classes and make every stock a voting stock
Ban fiat currency and send all jews to Israel

kill/deport everyone who's not white

That, and significantly reduce regulations and taxes on small businesses and the middle class.

Attached: 1655778484143.gif (435x219, 2.06M)

Track down every leftist using twitter and reddit posts and skin them alive. Sell the meat and leather to china.

Bring Back TRUMP!

Attached: TrumpIsGenius.png (600x314, 437.63K)

>government subsidies for companies promising to drill and frack on Indian lands
>immediate execution of all non-white people on welfare
>99% tax for anyone over the age of 25 with a college degree who isn't married with at least 3 children
>anyone who drops out of high school will be used as human labor, working in new government-owned sweat shops and factories
>new fiat money, printed and issued by the treasury, only redeemable in the US (it ceases to exist if you try to spend it outside of the country)

This man has my vote.

End the fed immediately.
Stop all government spending immediately that is not directly for:

- apartment style housing freely available to anyone who needs it.

- basic, effective healthcare freely available to everyone who needs it.

- rice and beans - type food available to anyone who needs it.

Tax the Fock out of every company that does business internationally, and leave the rest of us alone.
