Any Forums fags who never leave their house or have ever worked/spoken to a Mexican

>Any Forums fags who never leave their house or have ever worked/spoken to a Mexican
>Fuck spics they are so lazy they are ruining our country
>Reality check
Spics aka Mexicans plant, care, harvest, and pack almost 90% of USA fruits and vegetables! They are also the only people you will find in slaughter houses which means they also produce your meat! The truth is most of you butt hurt white losers have never worked a day of your life let alone been inside any packing house or orchard in the usa! You whites brought blacks over to have them pick cotton for free! Now you pay Mexicans to pick your food! You so called master race fags who don't know anything about reality how do you feel about this? How does it make you feel to know the people you call lazy are responsible for 99% of the food you purchase and eat? I have worked in the orchards and seen people who are 70 years old like pic related picking shit or maintaining the vineyards for sweet wine! But the master race at 70? Yes I see them too at the asylum or on a scooter because they can't walk let alone work! Explain this Master Race?

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Anglos are lazy and the niggers of the white race, we know.

Spics are glorified lifting machines made to look like people. They have no culture or brainpower. Also they are natural criminals and could easily be replaced by machines. 0/10 get the fuck out jose.

TL;DR ma'am

Just got finished dealing with spics last week
took them 7 weeks to do a job that should have only taken 5 days
they ate my food in my house while they worked
they drank beer while on the job
they talked and talked and talked on the phone with whoever the fuck for up to 5 hours each day
they asked me for more money before the job was finished

U dont have the balls to confront them lmaoooooo i bet they even fuck your wife while you were browsing pol

>nosotros muy hardworkeeng ese ustedes greengos are loser-AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA

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Perhaps it would have been wiser to use your military to secure your borders instead of invading far-off nations to serve the Jew.

I did confront them which is why they are now out 40 grand, not paying them what I owe them
If they try to take me to court I will report most of his extended family to immigration
got in a fight with the "patron" and as soon as I started raising my voice he backed down like a scared little puppy got his 9 year old girls his 95 year old grandma and his worker who didn't speak a word of english packed them all in his work truck like a fucking clown car and drove off like a pussy

Why didn't you hire white people do the job?

You will always be a fat sweaty smelly bean eater monkey, Paco.
Go back to Facebook faggot.

because mexicans are cheaper
was doing pretty much a total remodel of a house
kitchen, 2 baths, the flooring in a hallway + living room, complete electrical overhaul
its not my house I just want to sell it to the next (hopefully spic family) I don't care if it burns down 5 or 10 years from now due to spic labor as long as it passes inspection the state says its good to go

>They have no culture
Funny coming from you.
Whites have no culture.
Now stay the fuck away from Mexico.

before we had tens of millions of illegal mexicans we just starved to death

You confront them so they do the work you idiot. Now you have threatened with deportation. Pretty sure they did the work but your boomer brain didn’t like it how they did it or rather just didn’t want to pay. You now feel all accomplished a big man you piece of shit. You understand they could hire an illegal to put a bullet in your brain. Think again next time you try to scam workers.

Nice memeflag
No, confronting them so they stop acting like spics and actually do the job is the "patrons" job I have been working with spics for decades
spics only listen to their patron who is often the one who got them into the country in the first place and is housing them, paying them, and feeding them.

I confronted the Patron the first chance I got, he was not picking up the phone, his answering machine was full and he didn't show up to the job site in weeks and as soon as I caught him I told him to stop work and get his workers and his family the fuck off my property and I am not paying him.

The natural state for a spic is a lazy drunken moron. Without a good "patron" to make the spic not act like a spic you never get any work done.


You just don't get it do you?
1. Importing people means you don't train the unemployed here, so no taxes saved on this short term thinking.

2. By importing workers, they will also import voters, as non whites tend to vote democrat, and they know it. So you lose your country

3. By importing workers, employeers don't increase their wages, due to this, wage stagnation occurs, and the money goes for less. You don't compel the employer to increase their wages by importing cheap workers in massive numbers.

Just stop. These are typical lefty talking points, and they are all garbage.

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I deal with literal gay spics all over my city

>n-no akshually spics are really hard working and industrious!
Good, then they can fuck off and do it in their own country.

Just spend the last week with my family. We have more culture in our pinkies than in your brain dead existence. What does your culture consist of again? Angry reeeeeing on the internet? Get wrecked fucking nerd.

As a guy who works in construction let me tell you spics do really shitty work but they do it so cheap it makes up for it I guess. Nothings built to last anymore anyway who cares if Juan can't cut straight.

a master bath that would cost me 15 - 20 grand from a real company is only like 6 or 7 from a spic family
I don't give a shit if the tiles start falling off the walls in 5 or 10 years

the stereotype is 'sleepy' not lazy, you stupid racist retard

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